Friday, 2 March 2012

March :)

I miss them very very much


Wow,it's already march.Time flies too fast.March,please be awesome to me.Like superb awesome.I hope I can get 9A+ for my SPM this year.Please pray for me people.Spm result will be out in 20 days more.*O'ohhhh*.I'm kinda freaking out right now.I just have to tawakal and pray a lot.We'd already done with our exams right.The best way is just tawakal and pray.

"Dan orang yang berjihad untuk Kami (Allah),benar benar Kami (Allah) akan tunjukkan kepada mereka jalan jalan Kami (Allah).Dan sesungguhnya Allah benar benar berserta orang muhsinin (orang yang berbuat baik )"
Surah Al-Ankabut (29:69)

Hope it can make you calm down a lil bit :).

So March is my favourite,superb duperb fave month.There's a lot of event happen this month.Like my birthday (can't wait for it ),go for holiday,result and many more.Hope many good things than bad things come to me this month.InsyaAllah.
Peace ♥ 

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