erm,tday quiet tired.i wake up at 10 am tday n i think its quiet late since everybody had waken up n ate breakfast n im still sleeping.haha.then,ayah asked to get ready to go to jalan tar to buy school tudung there.then arrived at jalan tar,straight away to tudung stall.n finally found one n i think its the only one yg jual tudung macam tu.so,yeah.after this,jarangla pakai tudung labuh tu.haha.i dont want to be ahli badar kene pakai tudung labuh.haha.
then,found stall yang jual selendang.so what r u waiting for,wafa.serbula kedai tu.haha.so went to the stall n luckily i've bought two selendang.n selendang tu animal print.lagila suka.haha.then,ibu bought some tudung for her since she always merungut nak tudung baru la.
after that,went to pizza hut at ttdi since we didnt eat our lunch yet.masa tu plk dah pkl 3.45pm.hungry la kan.i only ate a little bit cause i will be eating more petang nnt waktu lepak dgn darlings.then,around 5.45 ayah sent me to sup matsirat since ada perjumpaan dgn darlings smua.sorry guys.lmbt pulak smpi.janji pkl 5 smpi pkl 5.45 plk.haha
then,order smua n hanis pun smpi.n mamat yg order ni plk gatal benor.haha.n he gave his ph nmbr to us.tulis dekat tisu plk tu.haha.x romantik lgsg.n i think he like syazmeera kot.sorry,syazmeera taken by someone.haha.oh,if nak yg others tu pun sorry ye abg cashier,we all will be taken by someone.haha.x leh blah.then,gelak macam satu bdr kinrara blh dgr kot.n kak n abg cashier tu blh pndg slack lagi.haha
after that,pergi lepak rumah syazmeera.cakap2 semua,gossip semua sampai la pkl 8 then barula ayah ambk.lama kan.haha.although a bit tired but its really fun.dah lame x gossip dengan derong.haha.
then balik rumah still makan lagi.i think i become more fatter kot cuti ni.dekat sklh bkn main lagi x nak makan smua.haha.gatal betul.konon nak diet kat sklh but kat rmh,hampeh btol.haha.
oh,thats all for now.dunno what to write more.bye.
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