hello,bloggers.hmm,tday also im not in the mood.maybe because tday is the last day im at s4.tday is the last day i met my friends,my teachers n my crush.haha.
tday i cried a lot.after recess dh start nangis.this is because im will be missing the best moments at s4.n after this,ssh nak jumpa kwn2 yg lain lg dah.n ssh nak jumpa kwn chinese yg lain.oh,this is the most sad moment.i hope i can meet my friends again later.
erm,time balik tu paling sedih la.i feel like i dont want to leave that schl.as i already told u guys,there's a lot of memories at that schl n its really tough for me to forget all the memories.after the bell rang,met shaz dpn class die n i started to cry.n everybody like watching me.erm,malu kot time tu but wht do i care.dah nak nangis,x kan nak tahan kot.then,i hug them for the last time before going to mrsm.on that time,i feel like i want to shout n cry like a baby but nah.everybody will pandang2 nnt.
then,waited for cik sal n i still cry.n when in the van pun still cry lagi macam baby.teresak-esak nangis.haha.sampai cik sal pun tegur.haha.
to all my darlings,sorry thats all i can give it to all of u.i hope u guys can accept it n keep it as remembering me.to all my friends,im really sorry for what i've done before.sorry just now maybe i didnt reply wish korang.sorry.im speechless time tu.do well in ur studies n i will remember u guys always.
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