rawrrawr,bloggers.haha.hmm,im so exhausted tday.early in the morning pg darul ehsan medical centre buat medical checkup.n it tooks nearly 2 hours.n dah la kene ulang alik from counter to another counter.n the doctor yg buat this medical checkup is a guy.eww,i hate it.but the best is x buat blood test.haha.yahoo!cause saya takut jarum.haha.
then we went to pkns s.alam.my dad drop me there n he asked me to wait for my mum at mcd.dah la alone n im afraid being there alone.when my mum came,straight away bought my baju kurung for mrsm.i bought 4 new baju kurung.*winkwink*.haha.after that pg solat at surau then jumpa mr gun n mrs grace.talk,talk with them n then went to plaza masalam or now known as plaza shah alam.sorry,idk how to spell plaza masalam.just hentam saja.
oh,dkt plaza masalam ni i saw baju kebaya like bunga citra lestari.so i took picture of that baju kebaya so i could do like that since i've already ada kain macam tu,kan.n at this plaza got acrobatic show for this cny.n the acrobatics very amazing.i really amazed n my mouth was open wide.haha.x malunya.
then i saw a guy that look like shahz jaszle.aww,i really admire shahz jaszle.i wish i could meet him someday.he's so so super duper handsome.at first,i think he's kinda erm,idk how to say but not handsome la.before this,i like neo than ash.oopps,dah masuk character tari tirana ni.haha.i dont know what the real name of neo tu.neo look really handsome but before ash muncul balik in tari tirana tu la.but when ash mucul balik je,terliur plk tgk muka ash.haha.he's really cute plus handsome.so if u guys never watch tari tirana before,dont forget to watch it this tuesday n tgk ash tau.haha
erm,gtg.i want to watch fuuuh kejap.bye.
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