Sunday, 28 February 2010
please guys.ask me anything at formspring.boring la skrang.haha.please before i go back to hostel tmrw.haha.nmpk desperate gile plak.haha.but,nvm.ask me anything,okay.
serious,i want to see u!

erm,tday quiet tired.i wake up at 10 am tday n i think its quiet late since everybody had waken up n ate breakfast n im still sleeping.haha.then,ayah asked to get ready to go to jalan tar to buy school tudung there.then arrived at jalan tar,straight away to tudung stall.n finally found one n i think its the only one yg jual tudung macam,yeah.after this,jarangla pakai tudung labuh tu.haha.i dont want to be ahli badar kene pakai tudung labuh.haha.
then,found stall yang jual what r u waiting for,wafa.serbula kedai went to the stall n luckily i've bought two selendang.n selendang tu animal print.lagila suka.haha.then,ibu bought some tudung for her since she always merungut nak tudung baru la.
after that,went to pizza hut at ttdi since we didnt eat our lunch yet.masa tu plk dah pkl 3.45pm.hungry la kan.i only ate a little bit cause i will be eating more petang nnt waktu lepak dgn darlings.then,around 5.45 ayah sent me to sup matsirat since ada perjumpaan dgn darlings smua.sorry guys.lmbt pulak smpi.janji pkl 5 smpi pkl 5.45 plk.haha
then,order smua n hanis pun smpi.n mamat yg order ni plk gatal benor.haha.n he gave his ph nmbr to us.tulis dekat tisu plk tu.haha.x romantik lgsg.n i think he like syazmeera kot.sorry,syazmeera taken by someone.haha.oh,if nak yg others tu pun sorry ye abg cashier,we all will be taken by someone.haha.x leh blah.then,gelak macam satu bdr kinrara blh dgr kot.n kak n abg cashier tu blh pndg slack lagi.haha
after that,pergi lepak rumah syazmeera.cakap2 semua,gossip semua sampai la pkl 8 then barula ayah ambk.lama kan.haha.although a bit tired but its really fun.dah lame x gossip dengan derong.haha.
then balik rumah still makan lagi.i think i become more fatter kot cuti ni.dekat sklh bkn main lagi x nak makan smua.haha.gatal betul.konon nak diet kat sklh but kat rmh,hampeh btol.haha.
oh,thats all for now.dunno what to write more.bye.
Friday, 26 February 2010
im not 100% sure about it

hello.kinda boring n sleepy accly.but still want to write blog.haha.erm,i've tons of hw to do but im so lazy to do it.but,im now a mrsm must work harder n harder till get 4 flat.brula bgs,everybody too lazy to update their blog.they're more to tumblr now.sorry,but idk how to use tumblr.haha.
okay,i want to talk bout my new class,413 really sporting.i mean the people la.they always make me laugh.i have a lot of good friends that help me when im in bad situation or girlfriends are shahirah or rah,fiza,fadilah,ida,aqilah,farisha,razin,nad,elia,hani,amirah n faqihah.i sat next to ida,budak lps ni maybe blajar kelate dgn die kot.haha.n lps ni jgn terkejut plk if i dh blh ckp kelate.haha.
okay,so guyfriends plk,ashraf,faiz,haziq,haziq aiman,amirul,putera,irsyad,syahin,izzat n lots more.sorry.cant recall ur name.sorry.they good,nice n sometimes quiet fun.slalu kacau.haha.
teachers plk okay.all of them really good.there's only one teacher for each sorang cg x blh pgg 2 subject n lebih.berbeza dgn kerajaan kan.haha.overall mmg okayla.
oh,n i jdi bendahari dlm class.cant believe it.haha.first time dpt pegang jwtn mcm tu.haha.but,dh org undikan.terima je la.x nk kecikkan hati kwn2.haha.x bleh blah ayt.haha.
so tmrw maybe pg jalan tar cri tudung n brg semua then ptg pg lepak kat aladin lg.our fave hotspot utk lepak.n x taula nk mkn ape dkt aladin since boring mkn mee je.any idea that can u guys share with me?cant wait for tmrw.haha.mcm la sebulan x jmpe derong kan.haha.
okay,gtg.really sleepy.dkt sne x ckp tido la.oh,dont forget to formspring me.haha.bru buat je.goodnight,guys
i dreamed a thousand new paths.i woke and walked my old one

afternoon,guys.hey,im back.haha.after being at hostel for almost 2 weeks,there's so many experience i've got.hmm,first week,i cry a lot.every minute n every homesick.i call my mum everyday using the public phones n i want to get out from the school.okay let me tell u guys bout the orientation week.
orientation week
erm,accly quiet boring cause there's no such interesting activities provided for us.most of the activities are ceramah.boring.slept at d.ben so many times.cant count it.first 3 days i cant find any friends yet then suddenly i found one.her name is shahirah,farah n ashiqeen.then,found a lot more friends but not so close with them since they already got there are some quiet fun activities that i really enjoy are explorace,malam seribu makna n homeroom activities.activities ni secara x langsung merapatkan lagi hubungan kekawanan kiteorg.haha.okay,im too lazy to write all bout the activities.sorry guys.if nak tahu lebih lanjut call aku or lepak mne2 ke.
quiet okay.not bad..i mean friends la.if the condition of the class tu teruk la.bapak teruk gile all of them very sporting including the boys.very sporting.n some of them call me blur.idk why.haha.blur ke?first time orang panggil macam tu.haha.there's only one thing that i hate being at that class.jauh teramat sngat dengan semua tempat.ds,d.ben,hostel.jauh sngt n memenatkan.haha.
okay,thats all.lazy to write long kinda sleepy accly.nak sambung tido.haha.bye.
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
goodbye,see u next holiday!
i shld going to sleep now but i dont want to.i want to online everyday like usual but i cant.tmrw im going to mrsm.n thats is my future.i shld grab it n dont let it all my friends,take care.see u guys next holiday.this video is just for u guys.i love u!
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
i hate to say goodbye

hey,guys.this is the last post before im going to mrsm tmrw.i hate to say goodbye to all of u.u guys mean a lot to me.we all have been friends for many years n there's a lot of happy n sadness.i dont want to be sad right now cause tmrw mata bengkak lak.
n tday dpt lepak dgn korung mmg best sgt.n i dont know bile dpt lepak mcm ni blk.maybe bln march ni kot.take care yourself,okay.dont forget me n i wont forget u guys.n insyaallah,aku call korung kat sne nnt ye.dont worry,be happy.sorry if aku buat korang skt hati ke selama ni.sorry sgt2.aku x bermksd nk buat mcm tu.sorry tau.
i love u guys so much.n i will miss u guys.dont lost contact plk nnt,ye.pray for me.n i always pray for u guys.good luck in ur life.hope meet u guys again next holiday.oh,why cpt sgt masa berlalu.aku rindu korang.n simpan kad yg aku bg korang u guys like hell.if ada gossip terbaru ke bg tau aku cpt2 tau.aku ni darlingku.muah.
love forever n always,
ur darling yg pemalu,
Monday, 15 February 2010
i love sexy

hey,hey,hey.accly i've nothing to blog idea at all.erm,let me think this wednesday i will be going to so sad.really sad.i hate to leave all that i love.
im not packing anything yet.yeah,lambat sangat kan minah ni.haha.but,im too lazy to pack.i want my mum to pack for me.mummy,help me please.haha.macam baby je.haha.
okay,tmrw lepak with my friends kat aladin.cant wait.seriously.x sbr gile nk jmpe korunk.n tmrw i want to eat a la nnt rindu plk kan.haha.
okay,i think thats all for now.boring la.n i dont have any idea right now but gatal sangat nak blog kan.haha.oh,n my brother pun nak balik.n he will be using this com.better get hurry before he come back home.daa.
im waiting for you on the corner of the street

morning,guys.yeah,tday i can online at my brother's brother not here tday.he's sleeping at my cousin's for the previous post i told u guys that i want to tell bout yesterday,okay.let me tell u may be boring.x de gempak2 pun.haha.
so wakeup at 10 am.n everybody had wake up except me.even my brother n his friends pun dah bangun.yes,i love to waking up late.anak dara bangun lambat sangat bagus.haha.then,breakfast n my dad said,okay jom pergi melawat makcik lela.get ready n then pergila melawat.
then,sampai.duduk,makan,solat semua kat sana.yeah,we arrived there at 1pm n went back at 8pm.lama,right.nasib baik there's a lot of dapat jugakla duduk.then,around 5pm tu my dad ajak makan lunch at restoran haslam where its just stone throw from the ondaway nak pergi tu there's crazy man or lebih senang orang nak faham orang gila.yeah.a lot of orang gila ada kat sana.n it really frightened me n zaf.gila takutla.
so ate nasi lemak n roti bakar there.nasi lemak dia bolehla tahan but i really like the roti bakar.sedapla.n we sat opposite to dr mum like,wafa tu kenal x sape.n i was like,sape ibu.n bile tengok betul2 barulah i know that is dr asri.
then,balik to hospital.oh,yeah.i forgot to tell u guys that sebelum makan tu kak nana's family came.n she got a brother that same age with me.n zaf pulak asked me whether i like her brother or not.sorry,zaf.i x minat.haha.i rasa u maybe sesuai kot dengan adik kak nana tu.haha.
then,around 8pm went back but before that went to been so long x pergi pavi.the aim is to buy bought two shirts there n my dad also bought shirt there too.gatal betul ayah nak beli ayah pun nak beli.then,i want to go to cotton on but its already closed.this because lama sangat pilih baju at jaspal.then,bought atiqah's n shaz's present siap2.cant tell bout the present afraid if they read my blog n dapat tahu.haha.
then,balik la rumah.thats all the activities for yesterday.boring right.oh,ya.zaf.i know u expecting me to buy cotton on for ur burpday.just wait n see zaf.there's 29 days to go before ur burpday.lama lagi la.haha.
Sunday, 14 February 2010
happy burpday to u,
happy burpday to u,
happy burpday to atiqah,
haaappy burpday to u.
happy 16th burpday atiqah.u r now officially sweet 16 babe.haha.n u r my kakak now.haha.may all ur wish come true.hope this new year will bring luck for u.n i hope we will be darlings forever.have a nice n wonderful burpday.oh,n happy valentine's day n happy chinese new year to u day three celebration.ada ong ma.haha.good luck in ur life n always remember me,darl.imy n ily to u.
oh,to the chinese,happy chinese new year.n to all the couples,happy valentine's day.sorry this year i didnt celebrate cause im a single lady.haha.i celebrate valentine's with my family only.haha.
okay,till post i will tell u bout tday.gotta do my mum blog now or she will get mad.
Friday, 12 February 2010
i cant fight it anymore

hey,hey watching papadom right now at my mum's room.i already watched this movie before with my friends.this movie was awesome.really good.haha.
im kinda bored right one is online on ms.n no one is online on i dont have anyone to chat with me.hmm,i want to hangout with my friends before i will be going to mrsm but when hah?hmm,this sunday nak x korang kat sunway.aku blanja tgk wayang nak?
oh,i dont even pack anything parents dah marah gila.but,nah.tmrw la.i want to relax my mind first.hmm,just now went to kedai gambar eedah to take passport photos.n guess photos looks so ugly.eww.idk how to do now.thats pic will be ude to make id card for mrsm.oh my,now people will see that im an ugly person.haha.nak tukar la gambar tu.
oh, someone.jgn berlagak sgt boleh x.ko tu bajet handsome sgt eh.but perangai ko tu x blh blah lgsg.mengutuk n maki hamun org sikap ko no 1 kan.nak hina2 org plk.cermin diri sendiri dulu blh x?ko igt rmi sgt nk ske kat ko.ego punye tinggi.sama je mcm sorang bdk tu.aku hrp la ko n budak tu berubah jadi baik kan.harap sgt.
okay,till dad want to use this comp.bye.
kau ilhamku
i found this video in youtube.this song is specially for my darlings.hope u guys always remember me.
i wish i can rewind back the time

hello,bloggers.hmm,tday also im not in the mood.maybe because tday is the last day im at s4.tday is the last day i met my friends,my teachers n my crush.haha.
tday i cried a lot.after recess dh start nangis.this is because im will be missing the best moments at s4.n after this,ssh nak jumpa kwn2 yg lain lg dah.n ssh nak jumpa kwn chinese yg lain.oh,this is the most sad moment.i hope i can meet my friends again later.
erm,time balik tu paling sedih la.i feel like i dont want to leave that i already told u guys,there's a lot of memories at that schl n its really tough for me to forget all the memories.after the bell rang,met shaz dpn class die n i started to cry.n everybody like watching me.erm,malu kot time tu but wht do i care.dah nak nangis,x kan nak tahan kot.then,i hug them for the last time before going to mrsm.on that time,i feel like i want to shout n cry like a baby but nah.everybody will pandang2 nnt.
then,waited for cik sal n i still cry.n when in the van pun still cry lagi macam baby.teresak-esak nangis.haha.sampai cik sal pun tegur.haha.
to all my darlings,sorry thats all i can give it to all of u.i hope u guys can accept it n keep it as remembering all my friends,im really sorry for what i've done before.sorry just now maybe i didnt reply wish speechless time well in ur studies n i will remember u guys always.
Thursday, 11 February 2010
there's only one wish left

hello,there.hmm,accly i dont have any mood for blogging but idk my hands gatal sangat nak taip ni.haha.erm,tmrw will be the last day for me at s4.oh my,idk how to describe my feelings now.i feel sad but my tears dont want to come out.idk why.
tmrw,i will be leaving my friends,my crush,my teachers n my schl behind.almost 4 years i've been in that schl n there's a lot of memories that i will never forget.sometimes,i want to leave from that schl but tday i feel like i dont want to leave that schl.sigh,its for my future.x baik tolak rezeki.haha.
to all my friends,im really sorry for all that i've done before n hope u guys got boarding schl too.ooh,n goodluck for ur monthly test!n dont forget me.haha.
oh,i better offline kinda doing some suprises for my friends before i leave them.wait for it,guys.haha.daa.
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
finally i've got a chance to talk with you

morning,guys.its already 12.00 am.n im still not going to sleep yet.haha.i've already sleep this evening so x mengantuk lagi.
erm,i think short post for kinda bored here but idk what to talk.oh,lest start with schl.yeah,schl quiet awesome.i mean than the others day la.oh,miss singam dont call my name to do the oral test yet.yeah,lepas i will do my oral test at my new schl.i hope i will be getting high marks there since miss singam quiet srict n kedekut marks.haha.
oh,n tday i've got oranges from shaz n kelvin.thx,guys.n tday i also got a bouquet of lollipops from luqman.thx,luqman.
okay, mum babbling at me because still online n not going to sleep yet.oh,shit.someone is playing mercun right now.tengah2 malam pun nak main.haiyaa.bikin susah org mau tido maa.okay,bye.
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
there's only one way to express our feelings

hey,peeps.hmm,nowdays,im kinda not in the kinda being an emo girl.idk why n idk how to make me feel more cheerful again.i dont have any appetite to eat n im easy to get mad at people.hmm,can u guys give me any idea?
okay,schl quite fun n quite bored sometimes.erm,the most moment that i will never forget before going to mrsm is i accly talk to my crush.i mean not talk bout our personal thing but only talk simple thing je.but,terkedu lidah jugak tau nak cakap dengan dia.haha.hmm,i wish i can talk with him everyday n everytime.haha.but,ning meera like my crush too.argh!why my own friend?nampaknya bermadu la kita ye ning meera.haha
oh,just now i watch tari tirana n i accidentally cry.haha.sedih gila kot.n maybe the most sad story that i watch ever la kot.maybe.cant recall the other sad story la.
erm,im too lazy to make my mum's blog.there's a lot of work,man.n my mum start to membebel everyday because im not doing anything on her blog.hmm,idk how bila masuk asrama nanti.kene ajar dulu ni.haha
okay,thats all for now.short post for tday since im kinda thinking what to talk bout my oral test.hmm,maybe talk nout seventeen makeover party or maybe my sanctuary.dont know yet.bye n have a great night.
Monday, 8 February 2010
i started believing that i could be wrong

hey,guys.urgh,tday im kinda not in the mood.idk why.maybe because of the gastric pain.yeah,i only eat 3 pieces of nuggets this morning n a lil bit of rice this evening.maybe 2 or 3 mulut je nasi.hmm,idk la why i became like this.i have no appetite at all.maybe im too nervous to go to mrsm next week.maybe.
erm,add math was really hard.n my brother bagi hilangkan my calculator.urgh,faris.cari sampai jumpa balik!!!currently im studying add math the whole day but still not so so understand completely.i want to ask my parents but they forgot how the formula n how to do that.oh,i need a private tutor but what week im gonna be in mrsm,right.
oh,this evening i slept for 3 studying add math while sleeping.haha.this because im too tired fikir add math kot.erm,i wish my brain like zhong zheng or like teacher.baru best kan.every add math question dapat jawab.oh god,please help me.i really dont know how to do.some questions je tahu but yang lain yang berlambak tak tahu.haha.
erm,i hate to go to school tmrw.there's double period of bi n last skali pulak tuh.oh my,i wish teacher didnt come tmrw.if not,there will be a lot of hw n maybe essay kot tmrw.urgh,i hate essay.but, mum will mad at me if i didnt go to school is important,babe.really important.whether if u will be shifting to another school pun still kene datang schl jgk kan.wafa,this week only u will be at smk week dah tak ada kan.if i didnt go,x dapatla nak usha k n a esok.haha.
oh,tday kriss allen come to malaysia n right now maybe he's at the garden to perform something or else.idk know.haha.hmm,i wish i can go tadi dekat mid valley.if im already 18,i can drive car then meet him at mid valley with my friends.why malaysia buat undang2 only 17 years n above baru boleh ambil lesen?why not 16 like the other countries?why?
okay,its nearly 11 pm.gotta study add math then sleep.kinda sleepy accly.haha.bye.
Sunday, 7 February 2010
you are the one who makes me cry every night

hello,guys.accly i want to sleep now since my eyes cant really open.but,hell yeah.i still want to blog.haha.okay,tday was freakin tired again.since im will be going to asrama so everything must be settled by this week before cny cause nnt cina x ada maa.haha.went to ioi with mum to buy all of my stuff again.haha
erm,tmrw KRIS ALLEN gonna be in mid valley.arggghhhh,argggghhh,arggghhh.i want to go but my mum wont let me go.sigh,i really want to go.did u guys have any idea to pujuk my mum?haha.okay,nvm,maybe next time he can come back to malaysia,right kris allen.haha.come again yaw when im 18.hahaha.mengarut.
there's only bout 1 week left before im going to mrsm.sigh,im gonna miss my family,darls n most important thing is my blog.haha.i cant update my blog like usually dah.bila balik cuti je baru blh update.but,nvm.i hope that schl can give us to online.bru la gempak kan.haha
oh,okay.i think thats all for eyes makin layu n makin nak tertutup dah.sorry if i have any spelling mistakes since i hentam je tulis.
oh,before not a faker n even a lier.this is who i really am,u knw.if u dont believe in me,just check it out at my house.then,u will knw who i really am.n i hate stalker like u eventhough i like to stalk other people too.haha.oh,dont mess around with me or u will knw what i'll do next.
Saturday, 6 February 2010
there's gonna be one less lonely girl

rawrrawr,bloggers.haha.hmm,im so exhausted tday.early in the morning pg darul ehsan medical centre buat medical checkup.n it tooks nearly 2 hours.n dah la kene ulang alik from counter to another counter.n the doctor yg buat this medical checkup is a guy.eww,i hate it.but the best is x buat blood!cause saya takut jarum.haha.
then we went to pkns dad drop me there n he asked me to wait for my mum at mcd.dah la alone n im afraid being there alone.when my mum came,straight away bought my baju kurung for mrsm.i bought 4 new baju kurung.*winkwink*.haha.after that pg solat at surau then jumpa mr gun n mrs,talk with them n then went to plaza masalam or now known as plaza shah alam.sorry,idk how to spell plaza masalam.just hentam saja.
oh,dkt plaza masalam ni i saw baju kebaya like bunga citra i took picture of that baju kebaya so i could do like that since i've already ada kain macam tu,kan.n at this plaza got acrobatic show for this cny.n the acrobatics very amazing.i really amazed n my mouth was open wide.haha.x malunya.
then i saw a guy that look like shahz jaszle.aww,i really admire shahz jaszle.i wish i could meet him someday.he's so so super duper first,i think he's kinda erm,idk how to say but not handsome la.before this,i like neo than ash.oopps,dah masuk character tari tirana ni.haha.i dont know what the real name of neo tu.neo look really handsome but before ash muncul balik in tari tirana tu la.but when ash mucul balik je,terliur plk tgk muka ash.haha.he's really cute plus if u guys never watch tari tirana before,dont forget to watch it this tuesday n tgk ash tau.haha
erm,gtg.i want to watch fuuuh kejap.bye.
Friday, 5 February 2010
you deserve to get a better girl

hey,peeps.tday was very tired day.yeah.thats true.i dont want to talk bout it since im too lazy to write.haha
oh,tday i slept for 3 1/2 like im really tired but it just only simple things i do tday.haha.
erm,nthg much tday n i dont have any idea to write n nobody texting me tday except hanis je.thats good since im too lazy texting with people n im too lazy melayan karenah lelaki2 yg ego ni n also i hate melayan lelaki yang nak text dengan prmpn when they are bored n cannot sleep la.urgh,baik x pyh text kan.
oh,tmrw i've a medical checkup.ooohhh,i dont want it but wht i can do.every boarding school need medical checkup.oh,n tmrw jugakla ada blood test.i really afraid with blood ni.if nak ambil darah pun bagila i tidur dulu ye.haha.duh,the nurse will never give people sleep n sambil tu boleh ambik darah.jangan harapla.
okay,thats all for now.idk what to kinda loss of idea.haha.
Thursday, 4 February 2010
i believe in what you do

hey,bloggers.i've just got back from mosque.accly,i didnt have any idea to blog.can u guys give me one?haha.okay,i think im gonna to online for awhile only.nowdays internet so boring.i rather watching tv than surfing.
oh,im so sleepy right now.really sleepy.yesterday,i slept at 1 am n wake up at 5.45am.urgh,sekejap je kan.i need some more sleep.but,when im in mrsm i must wake up early n sleep late.oh,i hate that.
okay,my eyes gonna close in any time.i cant open my eyes anymore.bye.
i knew i wouldnt forget you

hey!oh,tday at schl quite fun.hanis n i like crazy person.laugh here n there.i mean we laugh a lot tday than the others day.oh,n we even asked merepek-ing question to anyone.haha.crazy right.oh, n the funny moment tday is teacher asked us who have been to japan n emelyn quickly angt tangan.n all of the pupils in the class laugh at her including us.haha.she's a nerd n lurus bendul person.thats why we laugh.haha.aww,pity her.but she's already use to it.everybody loves to bulying her including me n hanis.
erm,tday i didnt go to bi tuition since my mum asked to accompany her to mosque.yeah,no tuition n less hw.haha.
okay,i think short post for tday since dah bunyi guruh.its gonna be rain.bye,guys.
go on and find someone nicer than me

morning,guys.haha.its 12.01 am right now.i couldnt sleep yet since i've already slept this evening.i slept around 5.30pm and woke up nout,lama kan.haha.erm,right now im waiting for my dad to come home since everybody already sleep n im the one who still not sleep yet.
okay,just now i went for bio tuition n im still couldnt understand wht the teacher said.yeah,lembab sangat kan.i thought bio are so easy n just hafal-ing je but im totally wrong.if hafal pun but i still couldnt understand.idk why this happening to year im already gonna to take spm n now in form 4 nak main2 plk n not revise anything yet.i bet u guys said that form 4 is a honeymoon year but not for me since i want to get better grades in my spm.i dont want to be regret like when im in form 3.i want to focus on my studies.yay,i know sounds like nerd right.haha.cakap je lebih but dekat sklh x bagi tumpuan.haha.yes,its really true.only certain subjects i really focus on since the other subjects so boring and the teachers like boring.haha.
okay,move on.accly,nowdays im not in the mood for myspace-ing.idk why.myspace so boring.n idk who i want to cmmnt with since everybody focus on facebook now.i dont want to make facebook since im too lazy to make one eventhough i knw its really easy to make one.everybody keep on asking me whether i have facebook or not."wafa,do u have facebook?"oh,please dont ask me that questions again.x larat dah nak jawab.
oh,gtgt dad just come bach home.daa..
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
every man is the same,nothing different between them just got back from schl an hour ago.nowdays,schl so boring,i mean really boring.without shazana n hazwani around,schl getting bored n bored n so lazy to go to schl but i have to since i will going to mrsm n must compete with the others students.
oh,ustaz.we're not social people,okay.if im a social person,how can i got A for agama,ustaz.n if im a social person,how can i've been chosen to go to mrsm.haish,maybe ustaz dont really know bout us.i know im wrong since im not concentrate when u r teaching n never n ever do ur hw.haha.but that does not meant im a social person.duh,u cant even know whether the person are social or baik jangan tuduh org please,dont judge a book by its cover.i really hate it.
oh,thank god miss singam did not gave us any hw tday.yay!tday got less hw.haha.okay,stop acting like a child,wafa.okay,gtg.i want to take a nap right sleepy.
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
i want to put your hand in my pocket

hey.there's only two weeks more before i go to mrsm.oh,idk how to face it when it comes to the last day at s4.i will be leaving my friends,my crush,my teachers,koperasi,kantin,table n my school i know how shazana feel when she got to sbp.yay,now i realised how it feels when you leave your loved ones.i know this is wht i want n wht i dream for but i hate to leave my family,friends,my belongings n others.
okay,move tday shazana n hazwani went to their new,goodluck guys.n tday at school a bit boring than before cause there's no shazana n hazwani.usually,shazana always make me laugh with lawak bodohnya n hazwani too.n shazana always sing with hanis in the class that can make me more cheerful.haha.n we usually play bontot2.haha.i really miss that ones.n im also miss the 'undertable bread'.haha.only my gang know wht is it the undertable bread.haha.
erm,tday got a lil bit of hw but i still so lazy to do it.i want to online-ing every time but my mum will get mad at better not.haha.okay, really starving right now.gotta have my lunch right now.daa..
Monday, 1 February 2010
shut up and let me go

hey,good evening tday was pretty exciting n happy.okay,went back home at 2.30 pm.n trus check mrsm whether i got or,guess wht.i've got mrsm.argghhh!i feel like screaming right now.haha.i dont believe it i've got mrsm.i've got mrsm tun ghaffar baba,jasin,melaka.alhamdulillah,i've got wht i after this cny i will go i will rarely blogging after this.
erm,to those who didnt get to mrsm or sbp,dont be sad.try again later,okay.maybe x de rezeki.byk2lah berdoa,yer.okay.i think thats all for now.
erm,to those who didnt get to mrsm or sbp,dont be sad.try again later,okay.maybe x de rezeki.byk2lah berdoa,yer.okay.i think thats all for now.
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