morning.tday i woke up early.pkl 9 dah bangun.i know its not early but for me its too early.haha.anak dara suka bangun lambat.ohoh,i love today was a fairytale song by taylor swift.n i cant wait for the valentine's day movie.really cant wait for it.i hope i can watch the movie with all of my darlings.yay,x kanla nak tengok that movie with my family.of course my siblings dont want to watch that movie,right.
oh,i need a new shoes n new handbags now.like urgent.i know i have a lot of shoes n handbags but i want it to be match with my clothes.barula cantik,right.haha.maybe my mum will be mad at me cause baru one month beli handbag n kasut baru.oh,i like wasting my money dengan benda x berfaedah.haha.im kinda a shopaholic person.pantang nampak benda cantik nak beli.haha.
oh,im craving for prosperity burger.if campur dengan last year that mean i've been eating prosperity burger for the sixth time.haha.its really delicious.if nampak je mcd mesti beli punya whether im already eat or not.haha.im getting fatter now.
okay,gtg.nak habiskan hw add math.bye.
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