heeeyyy,guys.tday is the first day of school.i thought that the first day will be kinda awesome but im wrong.tday is the most boring day ever.my friends not same class with me.im in 4s1 n hanis is in4s2 n atiqah,shazana n hazwani in 4sp1.4s1 n 4s2 sebelah2 je but for 4sp1 dekat bawah sekali pulak tu.jauh pulak nak cari teman gosip.but,nah..nanti ada rombakan kelas balik.
n i also will shifting to another school maybe next month if i didnt get to any boarding school.malas duduk dekat school tu lagi since banyak sangat budak yang perasan 'popular' n suka copycat orang.macam la orang x tau perangai budak tu.copycat!get lost la u nak tiru gaya orang pulak.x de style sendiri ke?nampak sangat x de style sendiri.haha.
okay,tday i bring my charles n keith handbag to school n i think ada orang sedang mengintai n usha2 beg i ni jenama apa.why?nak copycat orang lagi?x cukup dengan copycat beg guess n selendang tu?x cukup ye.why?ko ingat aku x tau ke ko beli beg guess tu?ko fikir dengan memakai beg guess tu dah dikira paling hebat in the world ke.belum lagi pakai beg marc jacobs ke,coach ke lv ke but dah berlagak hebat.heello!cermin diri sikit la.ingat ko paling lawa kat sekolah tu ke?ingat ko paling popular sampai ramai nak couple dengan ko?pergi mampos la lu setan!
okay,i think thats enough.sorry bout that cause i x tahan dah dengan budak tu cause she always copycat what im wearing,my bag n everything.orang macam tu x boleh kasi muke skit.this year will not be my honeymoon year since all of the teachers that will be teaching me semua garang2 macam singa tengah lapar je plus my friend sorang pun not same class with me.i hope they will be same class with me if not mesti boring habis punya.
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