hey,guys.happy new year.im so sorry for the late wish cause yesterday i was at my cousin's house to celebrate new year n to celebrate our 5a's n 8a's.okay,there were barbeque,cake,laksa n a lot of suprises.zafirah n her brothers gave to makcik lela a charles n keith handbag.wow,new year also got a present eh?n zafirah also gave me an elle cloth for my achievement in pmr.wow,at first i was like,'wht for me,aww..thank u.'i was so shocked n my mouth was shut.btw,thank u so much,zaf.i appriciated that.then,mkn2 smua n kene tggu for barbeque msk since li buat sorang2 jer n x de sape tlg die.haha.then after mkn2,i tgk jam there's one n a half more hours left before new year.so i decided to watch tv first since nothing to do.tkr2 channel then jmpe teen choice award at 8tv.apa lg,tgk je la since nmpk mke robert pattison n taylor lautner.oh,fyi my cousin said that taylor lautner n taylor swift just broke up one day before new year.sigh,i really2 admire them,then bile broke up tu,i jd sad plk.okay,move on.then,lps tgk teen choice award,tggu for the countdown since 15 more minutes left.at first,makcik lela ajk tgk fireworks at bukit then x jadi since a lot of people there so terpaksa tgk dari rmh je la but i tgk from tv since dekat rumah x nampak sangat.then,lps habis fireworks,we decided to go back home sice dah pukul 12.30 am.smua pun dah tido.then,balik je terus bace blog orang lain.x de kerja kan.nak baca blog orang,blog sendiri pun x update.haha.ok,thats all from now.maybe tomorrow i will post about me n my darlings celebrate 8a.daa n goodnight.
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