Sunday, 31 January 2010
listen to me not her

my head turn round and round
hey,hi n hola guys.its already late now but im not so sleepy yet.im currently using my mum laptop right now.so,hey.i've just got back from my cousin's house.im visiting my uncle there.oh,zaf.sorry for not giving u my new url.sorry.dont get mad.haha.nanti cepat tua la.okay,this evening my family n i went to uncle abu house.ada birthday party for his lil son.n auntie su masak all the food.n the food there all really delicious.if i live there of course i will getting fatter n fatter n fatter since the food really really delicious.from pie to pizza to fried rice.semua sedap gila.thx auntie su for the delicious dish.
oh,tmrw my brother will be in kl.i mean tday since its already 12.36 am.yay!but he will not coming home since he has rugby tournament.oh,faris if u read this,i just wanna say goodluck.hope u guys win again like last year.erm,idk yet whether to watch my brother playing rugby or not since i have a lot of hw to do.tuition lagi.oh,n my add math also not finish yet n it really killing me.n miss singam asked us to find bout indian lagi.urgh,so lot of hw.maybe im not going tmrw kot.
okay,gtg.i wanna go to sleep now.everybody is sleeping n left me in the living hall.oh,not downstair but upstair since my living hall is upstair.okay,bye.
Saturday, 30 January 2010
the same love that makes me laugh makes me cry

Friday, 29 January 2010
so come baby girl let's sing with me
hey,little shortie!
Thursday, 28 January 2010
u gonna get something from me
live today for tomorrow it will all be history
oh,tmrw got agama.i hate agama a lot since ustaz always calling my name even i x salah apa2 pun.n he always jatuhkan maruah org.n everybody laugh at me.oh,malu gila la.i think ustaz x layak digelar ustaz.oh,mesti org tu happy kan cause i kene dimalukan by ustaz n digelak olh org.suka kan ko bila org perli aku.after this i hope ustaz can change his attitude yang suka malukan org.n cuba ustaz fikir balik if i yang malukan dia.apa perasaan dia.sakit hatikan.fine,maybe today is ur day but tmrw gonna be my day ustaz.dah la ustaz always talk bout privacy things n all that.cakap benda2 lucah.cuba kalau ada org cakap benda lucah kat dia.marah x?i know x baik cakap ustaz macam tu but if u r in my place u will know why i say like that.
okay,gtg.im not done yet with my hw.bye.
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
i never thought i had a fight with you

two is better than one

i think i want to be alone for quite long time n i dont need anyone right now.penat nak layan karenah lelaki ni.
i honestly believe in you

Tuesday, 26 January 2010
im gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well

Monday, 25 January 2010
i was a dreamer before you went and let me down

im not a princess,this aint a fairytale
so,hey.i've just found a video from youtube.the song is white horse by taylor swift.this song like ada kene mengena with my life right now.to the guy,i will never n ever give u second chance anymore.whoop-de-do.okay,just enjoy the song,okay.oh,whose that guy is none of ur bussiness.haha.im sorry,its just my privacy,okay.
Saturday, 23 January 2010
im not a clubing person

Monday, 18 January 2010

Sunday, 17 January 2010
please dont stop the music

Friday, 15 January 2010
to shazana n hanis,aku thu ni favourite song korang.
im also fall in love with this song.
so,enjoy the song.
Kau cinta pertamaku
Kau cinta terakhirku
Tiada apa yang bisa
Menafikan kasih kita
Kau ayu di mataku
Satu antara seribu
Tiada tara di dunia
Mungkin kan terputus di tengah jalan
Mungkin kan terlerai tanpa ikatan
Usah ragu dengan takdir
Kau ayu di mataku
Satu antara seribu
Tiada tara di dunia
Ulang Chorus
Mungkin kita kan berbeza haluan
Berakhirnya cerita percintaan
Segalanya ketentuan Tuhan
Ulang Chorus
Mungkin kita kan berbeza haluan
Berakhirnya cerita percintaan
Segalanya segalanya
Ulang Chorus
Mungkin kita kan berbeza haluan
Berakhirnya cerita percintaan
Segalanya ketentuan Tuhan
Segalanya ketentuan Tuhan
you are not suitable for me

rumah terbuka shaz
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
get your fucking own life,man!

Monday, 11 January 2010
i hate you entire of my life

Sunday, 10 January 2010
sometimes i hate you but sometimes i love you

okay,change topic.last 3 days my dad,my mum n i just talking bout my eldest brother.they said,now my eldest brother start to kurang ajar with them like tinggikan suara n others.then,they also said that im also kurang ajar with them n lagi teruk daripada my brother.hhmm,i've already do what they want n what they asked.but unfortunately they have just said that im more kurang ajar to them than my brother.i cried every night before i go to sleep.im just too sad.idk why they said like that to me.but,i redha.i think they love my eldest brother more than me.sigh.maybe this new year will be new me.
hmm,lets move on.this year kementerian change our bm n bi novels.n this year the novel more interesting more to teenage novel.i really really love the novel.the one that i love more is bm novel call 'papa'.this novel really interesting n fun to read.n im also cried when reading this novel.it touch my feeling.i suggest to the form 4 that u guys must read this novel.rugi kalau tak baca.
i think thats all for now.see u guys later.
Monday, 4 January 2010
happiness is a choice that requires effort at times

Sunday, 3 January 2010
i feel like im the one who makes you cry

sometimes the heart sees what is invisible

Saturday, 2 January 2010
Friday, 1 January 2010
new year and new resolutions