went to sunway today with darlings and fariz.then head off to bowling centre.i want to play bowling but im having pms.urgh,sucks that.haha.went to the toilet for 10 times.then,some boys came and play beside our lane.then,i decided that i dont want to play and let atiqah play bowling for me.so atiqah play 2 games alone.pity her.
after that,waited for hanis till her movie end.wait like about half hour there.then,headed to pizza hut to eat.fariz always buat lawak je.and and he also told me bout zuno.aww,thx fariz.then then went to giordano since zuno asked me to help him to checkout whether got sale or not at giordano.otw there,we got lost.haha.check the map so many times but still got lost.and finally after 20 minutes later,we found giordano.asked the salesgirl bout the sale and she said if we buy to there will be less 40% dicount.
then,again round and round.till 4.30pm went home.hanging out at hanis' house till 6.45 pm.around 8 pm,switched on the tv and changed to channel 1.since i was tired to climb the stairs and watched football upstairs,i decided to watcj it at the main living hall.i was shouting and jumping and shouting again and again.then,my mum join me too.after 90 minutes,malaysia won the aff suzuki cup.yay!we made it and we beat the indon.im proud of malaysian team.they did the best for the final.and and khairul fahmi is the best goalkeeper ever.oh,i think after this,malaysia will play for the world cup.hehe.oh oh,and friday is holiday.yeah,thx najib.you rock!
oh oh,this one for zuno.i love you so much and hope you can forgive me,dear.muah.sorry for everythings.
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