tday quite awesome.went to sacc mall just now.bought kain for raya.so this upcoming raya i have 1 baju kurung n 2 baju kebaya.yay me.haha.after long time i only have 1 pc of baju kurung for raya n now i got 3 pc.
bought ketupat just now.ya,im craving ketupat like almost half year.ate ketupat like so gelojoh.haha.kebuluran la katakan.haha.erm,only one thing that im not satisfied of.erm,cd for first season of glee.im still searching for it.when the cd keluar,im at hostel n i already asked my mum bought it but she said wait until i come back home.but now,i already searched it at all of video shop but couldnt find it.hmm,where can i find it?
hmm,i didnt do my hw yet.too lazy to do it.ya,i want to relax this holiday but this hw really disturb my relaxation.hmm,what can i do more.like teacher said,"dah jadi pelajar mrsm tu kene la belajar cara mrsm,everyday ada hw,even cuti pun kene ada hw."pfft.life bcome harder n harder.i like my life before.no hw,everyday gossips,lot of friends.but,we must think bout our future.if i stay at s4,maybe i will not be studying like these n maybe its hard for me to get scholarship.erm,nvm.just one year n half more.
cant wait to be 18.i have my driving liscene,i can DRIVE anywhere i want,i can lepak everyday,watch movies with darling everyday,go to college,get new friends more,get a job n lots more.hmm,really cant wait.
oh,im so hungry right now.need something to eat.gtg.
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