Saturday, 19 June 2010
a good picture is equivalent to a good deed

Wednesday, 16 June 2010
let the beauty we love become the good we do

Tuesday, 15 June 2010
you can't shake hands with a clenched fist

"the most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can go separately
without growing apart"hey,hi,hello!
sorry for not updating guys.been busy.acly not so busy just tried to finish up my hw.plus i've no idea what to write.okay yesterday n today quiet awesome.yeaterday went out with t n zana to mid valley.its been ages i didnt met them.went by lrt n arrived there around 10.window shopping the whole day but i managed to buy long sleeve shirt for asrama thingy n a novel.capture pic here n there using t's slr camera.yeah,welcome to the club.most of ex n student of s4 have their on slr camera like luqman hakim,zulaika,ayna,t,bahim,shaz,hanis n including me.(sorry for those who i didnt mention your name).
okay,back to the story,we captured a lot of pics.then there was toy story meeting with fans session at mid yesterday.we want to take pic with woody n buzz but we saw only children who took pics with them.erm,kan best if we become kids again,right t.haha.so t just took pic from far only.after bout 7 hours e round n round mid valley so we decided to went home.
today we went out again but only to pasar tani n padang.i bought a lot at pasar tani since im craving a lot of food there.otw to pasar tani,we walked beside a house n suddenly a dog bark at us.we were so shocked n melatah.haha.it as funny n happy moments.then went to padang talked n talked n talked.i brought along camera to capture pic but unfortunately i didnt managed to do that since busy chit chatting with the girls.
oh t.i think i will do my fb.you just help me how to use it.oh yeah,i didnt even know ho to use fb.n i didnt care bout it.i know its hillarious right cause even 5 years old girl or boy know how to use fb.what a shame.okay,gtg n gonna sign up fo fb.toddles.
p/s;pics will be uploaded later.
Saturday, 12 June 2010
joy is the best makeup
fifa;waa,ni conteng.
waa;sapa conteng adik?
fifa;mal.waa,mal conteng.pukul mal.pukul mal.
waa;ye,nnt waa pukul.haha
as you can see above,fifa is my lil sis n waa is me.okay,she called me waa not wafa.i was excited cause dia dah pandai cakap eventhough tak la betul sangat.aww,i love her.
move on,erm,im craving blueberry cheese tart.my mum asked me to do it by myself instead of buying at kak zah.but kak zah's cheese tart is si freakin delicious.erm,hope my mum can buy it for me.
Friday, 11 June 2010
life will be meaningless without love

gosh,finally you told me the truth

Thursday, 10 June 2010
the invariable mark of a dream is to see it come true

Wednesday, 9 June 2010
a life lived in love will never be dull

you such a pervert

Tuesday, 8 June 2010
lick up your toes
okay,im having some fun time here.watching movie while online and doing hw.haha.im watching papadom right now.yeah,i've been watching it couple of times before.
add math make me stress n fed up.idk how some of my friends manage to get a's for add math.maybe they good in calculating.
okay,nothing to write more.i want to continue watching papadom.
never talk about yourself on a first date

rock the world babeyh

Monday, 7 June 2010
stupid is a word for those who give up in anything
haha.actually,its a word that i created for hello.right no im searching for sem project.i already search in the internet but still cant find suitable ones.actually for our team we dont have any topics yet like other teams.yeah,i know its too late for us.but i will try my best to find the topics.
i forgot to ask pn siti's ph nmbr.it really important bcause we want to ask bout this sem project.to all my tgb friends,if u guys have cg siti's ph nmbr,please text me immediatly,thank you.
omg,im so stress right now.a lot of hw must be done.n opal just texted me said that hw for add math has been change.i already half way done for add mathhw.n now its already change.ohmy,wht am i supposed to do.erm,wish could have robots to make all those stuffs.
n yeah,i gain weight.i gain 3kg.so right now my weight is 54kg.wtf,idk how to have a balanced diet so my weight is maintain.some of u guys might said my weight is suitable with my body.but for me.it not OKAY.make me look more fat n now my jeans so tight even my shirt.what the hell im going to do.i will try my best to lose my weight to 48kg before school starts.thats mean 6 kg going to burn.
okay,thats all for now.
zip your mouth and listen here