hello guys.yeah,im back again.but this evening i will go back to hostel again.skjp kan.there's one more month to go bfr upcming holiday lg.okay,i want to tell u guys bout my experience went back home by bus.
friday,30th april 2010
bout 1.30pm went to dc n naik bus utk ke mc.first there were only few people naik cause the guys went to the friday prayer n x balik lg.then bout 2.15pm,guys pun naik bas n the bus really pack like a can of sardine.bout one hour later,arrived at mc.bought mcd cause i didnt eat anything for lunch.bought some mags to read in the bus.then,around 4.15pm,naik bas to kl.the driver was okay.he drove not so slow n not so fast.bout 6.30pm arrive bkt jalil.call mum to pick.
then,took faris n his friends at sri petaling.he brought 6 friends along with him.wow,ramai kan.n terpaksa berhimpit-himpit.n i have to share my chair with faris plk.mmg mcm tin sardine kereta tu.haha.
saturday,1st may 2010
went to sunway tday.bought a lot at cotton on.new dress,new jacket,new shoe.byk la.then round2 n window shpng at sunway.erm,met naza.n smthg just happen that make me really felt shit.
n right now,i really felt so stress cause this add math really hard.idk how to make it easy.i love add math but it kinda hard for me.n there's a lot of hw to be finish.see u guys later.bye.
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