hello!tday quite fun.gelak macam nak pecah perut la.so went giant with darling t n hanis.they arrived first n im the last one.haha.first masuk giant n try to find them but x nampak.so went to my news.com to buy topup.then,t call said they already at foodcourt.so bila nampak derong je,gelak2 cause hanis bye2 to me but i cant see her.haha.
so derong kasi mjlh sklh n belek2 kjp.but last year pnya majalah x best compared to last 2 years.haha.then,makan2 semua n naik tingkat ats jap jumpa adk hanis cause nak bg tau yang we all will walk home.then,went out n nak lepak rumah farihin jap.but suddenly hujan turun.
but still okay n x lebat lagi.bila dah nak dekat sampai kedai workshop,there's a car honk at us from behindn in that car there's two men.n the car stop in front of us.so apa lagi.hanis cabut dulu n she scream at us and asked us to run save our life.so cabut gila la.lari lintang pukang macam kene kejar anjing.time tu pulak hujan lebat n hanis wearing high heels.ish2 hanis,i've already told u before,jangan pakai high heel.
so orang kerja giant tu siap gelak2 lagi cause lari macam tah apa2.then masuk giant terus pergi toilet cause basah kuyup.pastu atiqah siap buat lawak lagi cakap if orang tu nak tanya jalan macam mana.pastu tengok kita dah lari dah.x sempat dia nak tanya jalan.n when we think back,betul jugak kan.haha.so gelak besar gila dalam toilet tu.semua orang tengok.haha.so we decided to go back with hanis' brother.so balik rumah hanis n lepak2.
thats all.haha.yeah,esk pg sunway!cant wait.haha.oh,forget.to someone,i really cabt forget u eventhough most of my friends asked to do it.i really cant cause i started to fall in love with u.you mean more than the world may ever know!
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