went to giant with my super duper friends..before that,anis n i went to shazana's house because we want to see a video..then,bout 10 am we went to giant.after arrived,we went to guardian sice anis wanted to buy something n then she saw maybeline n try all the makeup there..shazana n i suggest to makeover anis,we try a lot of makeup n put a lipstick..unfortunately,anis look like a,anis mad at us because she look like a funny clown.then,we went to the foodcourt since hazwani n shazwani already there..after that,we at our lunch there..then,we went to the third floor since me,shazanan anis dh lama x pg..then,ternmpk thai we all trus went there to ask the price..for the half body massage,it only cost,me,anis,hazwani n shazwani decided to have a half body massage..the body ache that i had after went to kem waja diri is now was fun n,here are pic that we took at thai oddesey,
so after that,we went back home since it already 3 pm..
im sending my maid back home at,after this no more calling bibik to make my breakfast,wash my clothes n everything else..kene buat sendiri jer,uncle nazri drove the car since my father playing golf with his,after arrived at lcct,smua mcm terpinga-pinga because dh lame x pg lcct but still remember skit2,lps antr my maid ni my mum ajk pg perfume shop since she want to buy new,byk giler la kiteorg try perfume..bout an hour later bru my mum dpt decide nk bli perfume mne..she bought flora by,the salesman said klau bli lg satu dpt free byk,die tnjk i perfume rock me by anna sui..bau die sdp mcm bau buah..die kate if i buy this anna sui rock me perfume i got a,cpt2 i told my,my mum pn kasi aslkn i buat kerja rmh since my maid dh x so excited dpt perfume bru ni..this is the pic of the perfume

went out with my father n brothers to mid valley.the aim is to see cat show jer..i tought this cat show we can touch n hug the cat since i mmg pntg tgk kucing..but, all the cats kene kurung dlm sngkr.but,it was fun la pg because dpt tgk different types of cats..yg plg best is dpt pgg cat yg x de bulu tu..eeee..geli pgg that cat..nnt i will upload pics,im too lazy cause nk kene cri usb sorry..ok guys.thats all for now.
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