Thursday, 26 April 2012

21st April 2012


 Last 21st April was Aiman's birthday and my very first year anniversary.We spent our day at mid valley.I made some plans to suprise him that day but nahh,the plan failed.haha.I bought a chocolate indulgence cake and we only managed to eat a quarter of the cake.haha.erm,so he gave me some presents on that day.thank you sayaangg.hehe.i really love it.
Happy 1st year anniversary.thank you so much for your love.and thank yu for everything.there are so many ups and downs in this one awesome year but yet,we're are still together until today.thank you for being the most wonderful boyfriend.thank you for always being there for me.thank you for being my superman,batman  and my spiderman.hehehe.thank you for everything.i hope our relationship are built to last.i really love you.

Forever is a long time but i wouldn't mind spending it by your side

Wednesday, 18 April 2012


I'm in dilemma right now.I don't know what course to choose for mara.I just wanna to take engineering for my course but idk.getting advices from a lot of people and they all said that engineering is not a good job for a woman.urghhh,dilemma.i need mum asked me to take biotech but idk.

mara oh mara


i missed my school days a lot.yeah.i miss my superb friends,classmates and tgb,friends are like 24/7 with us but now sebulan or dua bulan baru dapat jumpa.guys,i miss youu.bila nak jumpa.bila nak gelak gelak kuat kuat sampai kena marah dengan cg wanie.bila lagi kita dapat buat mcm ni.bila lagi kita dapat makan nasi cafe ramai ramai dalam bilik.bila lagi kita dapat jerit jerit semua.bila lagi kita nak kumpul ramai ramai time mak aku bawak makanan tu.seriously aku rindu korang and aku rindu gila tahap gaban kat FB19.

erm okay,so back to the main point.actually i wanna write about mara.tawaran pinjaman mara to be exact.erm actually,i didn't pass the qualification but since my mother plus my cousin plus my mother's friends asked me to just apply it,so i apply mara.i applied biotechnology as my corse.i think i'm gonna to pursue my study oversea.insyAllah.i wanna to take intec cause i think i didn't qualified to go to kmb or kms.genius student only go there.right now,i'm still struggling myself completing the essay.urghh,i just hate doing essay but because of mara,i have to do it.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Ya Allah,aku bertawakal dan redha je dengan segala keputusan mu ya Allah.aku bersyukur aku dapat 7a itu.Kalau ada rezeki,insyaAllah dapat pinjaman mara tu.insyaAllah.rezeki ini ditentukan oleh Allah.

Rasulullah s.a.w. telah bersabda yang bermaksud: “Seandainya kamu bertawakkal kepada Allah dengan sebenar-benar tawakkal, pasti kamu diberi rezeki sebagaimana burung diberi rezeki, ia pagi hari lapar dan petang hari telah kenyang.” (H.R Umar bin al-Khattab dari Imam Ahmad, At-Tirmizi dll.) Hadis ini bukanlah bermaksud supaya kita diam sahaja dan tidak melakukan apa-apa dan mengharapkan pemberian dari Allah, malah jika kita fahami, dalam hadis ini, dan melihat kelakuan burung, ia keluar pada pagi hari berterbangan dan berkicauan ke sana kemari untuk mencari rezeki dan akhirnya akan diberi rezeki yang ditemuinya di mana-mana.

Didalam al Quran ada dinyatakan bahawa sesiapa yang tidak bersyukur maka Allah akan mendatangkan azab yang pedih kepadanya, sebaliknya sesiapa yang bersyukur Allah telah menjanjikan ni’mat kepadanya. Ayatnya Bermaksud: “Dan (ingatlah juga), tatkala Rabbmu memaklumkan: ‘Sesungguhnya, jika kamu bersyukur, pasti Kami akan menambah (ni’mat) kepadamu, dan jika kamu mengingkari (nikmatKu), maka sesungguhnya azabKu sangat pedih.”

pinjaman mara

Ya Allah,satu satu dugaan datang kat aku sekarang ni.sedihnyaa hati bila jadi mcm ni.Aku tahu aku hanya perlu redha dan bertawakal je tapi aku tak tahu kenapa.aku rasa sangat sedih.first,result spm.aku tak boleh accept sebenarnya bila fizik aku b+.cita cita utk jadi seorang engineer dah musnah kat situ.then,slip spm hilang.tak tahu kat mana.tapi time tu aku banyak buat dosa.aku mencarut carut time slip hilang tu.then last ni,pinjaman mara utk biotek pulak.takkan aku nak korbankan cita cita aku impian aku.Ya Allah,aku harap sangat sangat aku dapat pinjaman mara ni.aku tak melepasi kedua dua syarat minimum.luar negara dan dalam negara.hati aku luluh,berkecai kecai tatkala lihat syarat minimum tu.air mata mulai membasahi pipi.


Friday, 13 April 2012



sorry tak dapat keluar hari ni.isnin aku free,jomm eh nad.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012


further study


erm kadang kadang aku mcm terfikir,kenapa aku nak belajar kat luar negara eh?padahal aku tak suka berada di negara orang.susah.seriously.time pergi holiday kat aussie masa tu pun mcm dah perit gila sbb nak cari makanan halal tu susah.tapi kan,ayah and ibu nak sangat salah seorang anak dia pergi luar negara.belajar kat sana.aku kena tunaikan permintaan ibu and ayah lah satu satunya cara yang aku dapat balas jasa derong.aku dah kecewakan ayah time dapat result masa tu.takkan aku nak biarkan ayah and ibu kecewa lagi kan.aku tak nak.aku dah berusaha keras mencari berbagai bagai scholar yang sesuai dgn aku.aku harap aku dpt study kat australia nanti.aku sekarang ni tggu mara je.mara,y you no open yet?doakan aku dapat scholar atau pinjaman mara ni eh.terima kasih.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012



i'm quite jealous with some of my friends who managed to get straight a's in their spm.they got what they want and they can apply many scholarships right.and for me,i'm just can apply about 3 or 4 scholarships ibu asked me to apply to nottingham university but i just don't want to use my father's money anymore.ayah always feel sad maybe cause i didn't get straight a's.i already tried my hard.the very hard ayah but maybe tak ada rezeki kan.everytime when ayah come home,he must compared my results with other people.i just can't stand it.i told my friends about this and they asked me to calm down.they giving me some advice.they said "result spm ni belum tentu buat kau berjaya di masa depan kau,wafa".erm,maybe its true cause i still have life in university later.i have to start struggle there and make my parents proud of me.

ayah just want me to further my study in australia or japan.i keep on searching for any scholarship for overseas study.ayah,don't worry,i will make sure that i can further my study there.insyaAllah.pray for me people.



i don't know why but i just hate her.i think she didn't appreciated me as her friend.we used to be a good friends.she has an intelligent mind.everyone in the class admire her.we used to share our stories together but now,'s all gone.we didn't contact with each other like usual anymore.she might have a lots of new friends in college.friends that can make she laugh and happy all the time.but just one thing that i would like to tell her,don't ever and ever forget about your old friends,your roommates and classmates.i still remembered those days where we could share our stories together every night,went to cafe every sunday and clean up our rooms together every sunday.erm,maybe its true what my other roommates told me about you.pfft,i better be careful in choosing friends next time.