Wednesday, 29 August 2012
Still Exist
hey hi halooo guysss.
miss me?its been too long i didnt update just busy with my new life.totally busy.a lot of assignments and quizes have to be class always end up around 6pm.then rush here and there.buying foods laa.such a hectic life.
i just love uia so much cause it can strengthen the bond with my forever and ever bestfriend,hanis.i love my roommates.there are awesomee.they are beyond awesome.and and my neighbour too.
but i hate the rules.their rules are sucks.we can't wear bawal dua tone,selendang,printed tudung too.and my classmates,they are the bomb.yeahh.they are superb,great and friendly.I like being friend with sarah,umairah,syarafina and suha and dini too.they're crazy sometimes.
being in university is quite hard.i mean,there's no honeymoon where you can play around,not studying a single things in one day that i used to do it during high school times.NO NO and NO.we have like to stay up every night just to revise couple of things.if we don't revise anything,then boom!we totally can't catch up with the new's true.
i aim to get 4 flat's been my dream to get 4 flat every sem.even in tgb,i aim it too,but nahh,i never going to get 4 flat in tgb.i was too dumb and lazy during those time.haha.i hope one day,i will get 4 flat,insyaAllah.pray for me.and i hope i can further my degree in Aussie.
my mid sem just finished couple of weeks be truth to you,i fail to succeed in my mid sem exam,i think.i put a high hope but nahh,everything doesn't goes according to my plan.but insyAllah,i will try my very hard to succeed in my final sem.wish me luck.
Monday, 21 May 2012
Aiman Hakim
Dear Aiman Hakim,
Me and you,
We've been through a lot,
But through it all,
Our love didn't stop,
Till the end.
Aiman Hakim,
You're my Prince Charming,
And I'm your Cinderella,
All I can say is,
I love you forever and always
Me and you,
We've been through a lot,
But through it all,
Our love didn't stop,
Till the end.
Aiman Hakim,
You're my Prince Charming,
And I'm your Cinderella,
All I can say is,
I love you forever and always
Friday, 18 May 2012
heyhihello peeps,
result for PILN and PIDN mara has just out yesterday and today.and guess what,i didn't get any offer from mara.pfftt.I was crying the whole day long.I was being an emo girl last night.I got mad,I scold my sister,I used harsh words.I can't accept that I didn't get any offer from mara.Maybe mara didn't like me.haha.
since I didn't get any offer,I will pursue my study in UIA.yeahhh,uiaaa.haha.actually,I want to study at UM.It's my mum's dream.but,well,um didn't like me too perhaps.haha.erm,so UIA,im coming babeyhhh.well,at first,i didn't like uia at all.ya laahh,you have to wear like a long and loose shirt,tudung labuh,wearing socks.urghh,its so much like my previous school okayy.I'm not that kind of girl who always wear socks,loose t-shirt,loose pants and wearing inner's just not me.
Back then in tgb,I didn't wear socks to DS or to prep,my t-shirt was like short and not so loose enough.and well,I admit that I'm anti-badar before this.haha.It was before okay,don't misunderstood it.Now,I'm not anti-badar anymore.haha.
Well,I have to change this whole attitude.I want to be a good person in uia.I want to score 4 flat every sem.ohhh,and and i will be an ustazah nanti.hewhewhew.wish me luck in UIA guyss.hope i can change to be a better person where I could make my parents proud of me.
"Semua tempat itu sama sahaja.Ilmu itu di mana mana.Yang penting kita kena berusaha.Kalau tak berusaha,takkan berjaya"
Saturday, 5 May 2012
Beautiful love story
I never know that arrange marriage is still exist nowadays.Most of the Malays nowadays just like to choose their life partner by their own.But this young woman,let her parents to choose for her.At the age of 20,she already married to a guy that she never love him before.Dena Bahrin share her wonderful love story in her blog.It was amazing.Everybody loves her love story including me.I nearly cry when I read her blog.
I never know that arrange marriage is still exist nowadays.Most of the Malays nowadays just like to choose their life partner by their own.But this young woman,let her parents to choose for her.At the age of 20,she already married to a guy that she never love him before.Dena Bahrin share her wonderful love story in her blog.It was amazing.Everybody loves her love story including me.I nearly cry when I read her blog.
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Dena Bahrin and her wonderful husband |
They look so cute together
Now,I already believe with love after marriage after reading her blog.
Someone who really loves you will show you they want you, will prove that they need you, will remind you they love you. Will put you in the list, " To be in heaven,together,forever."
Thursday, 26 April 2012
21st April 2012
Last 21st April was Aiman's birthday and my very first year anniversary.We spent our day at mid valley.I made some plans to suprise him that day but nahh,the plan failed.haha.I bought a chocolate indulgence cake and we only managed to eat a quarter of the cake.haha.erm,so he gave me some presents on that day.thank you sayaangg.hehe.i really love it.
Happy 1st year anniversary.thank you so much for your love.and thank yu for everything.there are so many ups and downs in this one awesome year but yet,we're are still together until today.thank you for being the most wonderful boyfriend.thank you for always being there for me.thank you for being my superman,batman and my spiderman.hehehe.thank you for everything.i hope our relationship are built to last.i really love you.
♥Forever is a long time but i wouldn't mind spending it by your side♥
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
I'm in dilemma right now.I don't know what course to choose for mara.I just wanna to take engineering for my course but idk.getting advices from a lot of people and they all said that engineering is not a good job for a woman.urghhh,dilemma.i need mum asked me to take biotech but idk.
mara oh mara
i missed my school days a lot.yeah.i miss my superb friends,classmates and tgb,friends are like 24/7 with us but now sebulan or dua bulan baru dapat jumpa.guys,i miss youu.bila nak jumpa.bila nak gelak gelak kuat kuat sampai kena marah dengan cg wanie.bila lagi kita dapat buat mcm ni.bila lagi kita dapat makan nasi cafe ramai ramai dalam bilik.bila lagi kita dapat jerit jerit semua.bila lagi kita nak kumpul ramai ramai time mak aku bawak makanan tu.seriously aku rindu korang and aku rindu gila tahap gaban kat FB19.
erm okay,so back to the main point.actually i wanna write about mara.tawaran pinjaman mara to be exact.erm actually,i didn't pass the qualification but since my mother plus my cousin plus my mother's friends asked me to just apply it,so i apply mara.i applied biotechnology as my corse.i think i'm gonna to pursue my study oversea.insyAllah.i wanna to take intec cause i think i didn't qualified to go to kmb or kms.genius student only go there.right now,i'm still struggling myself completing the essay.urghh,i just hate doing essay but because of mara,i have to do it.
Saturday, 14 April 2012
Ya Allah,aku bertawakal dan redha je dengan segala keputusan mu ya Allah.aku bersyukur aku dapat 7a itu.Kalau ada rezeki,insyaAllah dapat pinjaman mara tu.insyaAllah.rezeki ini ditentukan oleh Allah.
Rasulullah s.a.w. telah bersabda yang bermaksud: “Seandainya kamu bertawakkal kepada Allah dengan sebenar-benar tawakkal, pasti kamu diberi rezeki sebagaimana burung diberi rezeki, ia pagi hari lapar dan petang hari telah kenyang.” (H.R Umar bin al-Khattab dari Imam Ahmad, At-Tirmizi dll.) Hadis ini bukanlah bermaksud supaya kita diam sahaja dan tidak melakukan apa-apa dan mengharapkan pemberian dari Allah, malah jika kita fahami, dalam hadis ini, dan melihat kelakuan burung, ia keluar pada pagi hari berterbangan dan berkicauan ke sana kemari untuk mencari rezeki dan akhirnya akan diberi rezeki yang ditemuinya di mana-mana.
Didalam al Quran ada dinyatakan bahawa sesiapa yang tidak bersyukur maka Allah akan mendatangkan azab yang pedih kepadanya, sebaliknya sesiapa yang bersyukur Allah telah menjanjikan ni’mat kepadanya. Ayatnya Bermaksud: “Dan (ingatlah juga), tatkala Rabbmu memaklumkan: ‘Sesungguhnya, jika kamu bersyukur, pasti Kami akan menambah (ni’mat) kepadamu, dan jika kamu mengingkari (nikmatKu), maka sesungguhnya azabKu sangat pedih.”
Rasulullah s.a.w. telah bersabda yang bermaksud: “Seandainya kamu bertawakkal kepada Allah dengan sebenar-benar tawakkal, pasti kamu diberi rezeki sebagaimana burung diberi rezeki, ia pagi hari lapar dan petang hari telah kenyang.” (H.R Umar bin al-Khattab dari Imam Ahmad, At-Tirmizi dll.) Hadis ini bukanlah bermaksud supaya kita diam sahaja dan tidak melakukan apa-apa dan mengharapkan pemberian dari Allah, malah jika kita fahami, dalam hadis ini, dan melihat kelakuan burung, ia keluar pada pagi hari berterbangan dan berkicauan ke sana kemari untuk mencari rezeki dan akhirnya akan diberi rezeki yang ditemuinya di mana-mana.
Didalam al Quran ada dinyatakan bahawa sesiapa yang tidak bersyukur maka Allah akan mendatangkan azab yang pedih kepadanya, sebaliknya sesiapa yang bersyukur Allah telah menjanjikan ni’mat kepadanya. Ayatnya Bermaksud: “Dan (ingatlah juga), tatkala Rabbmu memaklumkan: ‘Sesungguhnya, jika kamu bersyukur, pasti Kami akan menambah (ni’mat) kepadamu, dan jika kamu mengingkari (nikmatKu), maka sesungguhnya azabKu sangat pedih.”
pinjaman mara
Ya Allah,satu satu dugaan datang kat aku sekarang ni.sedihnyaa hati bila jadi mcm ni.Aku tahu aku hanya perlu redha dan bertawakal je tapi aku tak tahu kenapa.aku rasa sangat sedih.first,result spm.aku tak boleh accept sebenarnya bila fizik aku b+.cita cita utk jadi seorang engineer dah musnah kat situ.then,slip spm hilang.tak tahu kat mana.tapi time tu aku banyak buat dosa.aku mencarut carut time slip hilang tu.then last ni,pinjaman mara utk biotek pulak.takkan aku nak korbankan cita cita aku impian aku.Ya Allah,aku harap sangat sangat aku dapat pinjaman mara ni.aku tak melepasi kedua dua syarat minimum.luar negara dan dalam negara.hati aku luluh,berkecai kecai tatkala lihat syarat minimum tu.air mata mulai membasahi pipi.
Friday, 13 April 2012
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
further study
erm kadang kadang aku mcm terfikir,kenapa aku nak belajar kat luar negara eh?padahal aku tak suka berada di negara orang.susah.seriously.time pergi holiday kat aussie masa tu pun mcm dah perit gila sbb nak cari makanan halal tu susah.tapi kan,ayah and ibu nak sangat salah seorang anak dia pergi luar negara.belajar kat sana.aku kena tunaikan permintaan ibu and ayah lah satu satunya cara yang aku dapat balas jasa derong.aku dah kecewakan ayah time dapat result masa tu.takkan aku nak biarkan ayah and ibu kecewa lagi kan.aku tak nak.aku dah berusaha keras mencari berbagai bagai scholar yang sesuai dgn aku.aku harap aku dpt study kat australia nanti.aku sekarang ni tggu mara je.mara,y you no open yet?doakan aku dapat scholar atau pinjaman mara ni eh.terima kasih.
erm kadang kadang aku mcm terfikir,kenapa aku nak belajar kat luar negara eh?padahal aku tak suka berada di negara orang.susah.seriously.time pergi holiday kat aussie masa tu pun mcm dah perit gila sbb nak cari makanan halal tu susah.tapi kan,ayah and ibu nak sangat salah seorang anak dia pergi luar negara.belajar kat sana.aku kena tunaikan permintaan ibu and ayah lah satu satunya cara yang aku dapat balas jasa derong.aku dah kecewakan ayah time dapat result masa tu.takkan aku nak biarkan ayah and ibu kecewa lagi kan.aku tak nak.aku dah berusaha keras mencari berbagai bagai scholar yang sesuai dgn aku.aku harap aku dpt study kat australia nanti.aku sekarang ni tggu mara je.mara,y you no open yet?doakan aku dapat scholar atau pinjaman mara ni eh.terima kasih.
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
i'm quite jealous with some of my friends who managed to get straight a's in their spm.they got what they want and they can apply many scholarships right.and for me,i'm just can apply about 3 or 4 scholarships ibu asked me to apply to nottingham university but i just don't want to use my father's money anymore.ayah always feel sad maybe cause i didn't get straight a's.i already tried my hard.the very hard ayah but maybe tak ada rezeki kan.everytime when ayah come home,he must compared my results with other people.i just can't stand it.i told my friends about this and they asked me to calm down.they giving me some advice.they said "result spm ni belum tentu buat kau berjaya di masa depan kau,wafa".erm,maybe its true cause i still have life in university later.i have to start struggle there and make my parents proud of me.
ayah just want me to further my study in australia or japan.i keep on searching for any scholarship for overseas study.ayah,don't worry,i will make sure that i can further my study there.insyaAllah.pray for me people.
i don't know why but i just hate her.i think she didn't appreciated me as her friend.we used to be a good friends.she has an intelligent mind.everyone in the class admire her.we used to share our stories together but now,'s all gone.we didn't contact with each other like usual anymore.she might have a lots of new friends in college.friends that can make she laugh and happy all the time.but just one thing that i would like to tell her,don't ever and ever forget about your old friends,your roommates and classmates.i still remembered those days where we could share our stories together every night,went to cafe every sunday and clean up our rooms together every sunday.erm,maybe its true what my other roommates told me about you.pfft,i better be careful in choosing friends next time.
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
i just way too emotional on my birthday.i already expected that this year will be the worst birthday ever.all my wishes didn't came true.i wish someone can call me and sing happy birthday for me.i wish someone can make a video for me.i wish someone can make a suprise for me.i wish i can get a huge birthday present.actually,birthday is the most important day of my entire life.i'm quite upset right now.
i just way too emotional on my birthday.i already expected that this year will be the worst birthday ever.all my wishes didn't came true.i wish someone can call me and sing happy birthday for me.i wish someone can make a video for me.i wish someone can make a suprise for me.i wish i can get a huge birthday present.actually,birthday is the most important day of my entire life.i'm quite upset right now.
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Birthday :)
Tomorrow is my birthday but I didn't feel any excited or anything.Weirddd.It's totally different from any other years where I start counting the days.Maybe I'm too old to celebrate birthday.or maybe I don't have any friends around me wishing me 'Happy Birthday' or making any suprises for my birthday.I just missed my classmates waking up till 12 am just for wishing me a happy birthday.Oh,i still remember,the first person who wish me a happy birthday last year was haziq izuddin.hehe.erm,who gonna be the first person to wish me tomorrow.
I didn't want anything for my birthday this year.cukuplah ibu and ayah dah bagi banyak duit time wafa belajar dulu.
Saturday, 24 March 2012
so my birthday is like around the corner.just a few more days left.I don't have any mood to celebrate it this year.and and I think i'm kinda weird this year.usually i will always ask my dad to buy me a present for my birthday and celebrate it at an exclusive restaurant.but this year I didn't ask anything.It such a waste of money to buy an expensive things to me.I don't deserve it.erm,I think I don't want to celebrate my birthday.I don't want any present.I don't want anything this year.
so my birthday is like around the corner.just a few more days left.I don't have any mood to celebrate it this year.and and I think i'm kinda weird this year.usually i will always ask my dad to buy me a present for my birthday and celebrate it at an exclusive restaurant.but this year I didn't ask anything.It such a waste of money to buy an expensive things to me.I don't deserve it.erm,I think I don't want to celebrate my birthday.I don't want any present.I don't want anything this year.
Thursday, 22 March 2012
spm result
Alhamdulillah,i already got my spm result.i manage to get 7a's and 2B+.oh well,maybe there's no luck for me this time.When i got the slip,I was crying and i can't believe that i got B+ for physic.ohhh shosssshhh.I can't accept it.and finally after getting advice from many people,I can accept that thing.My parents didnt mad or scolded me cause i already try my best.the very best for spm.erm,tak ada rezeki namanya.but well,time u nanti ada lagi.i'm gonna struggle there.i've learnt from mistakes.I'm just too lazy during my school life.tak semestinya gagal sekarang,gagal selama lamanya kan kan.maybe Allah has a better plan for me right.
oh well,i'm freakingly superb happy cause i met my classmates yesterday.oh guys,i really miss guys are the best,the very best friend i ever had.513 awesomeeee!oh oh,and and i'm quite happy cause 'someone' finally call my name and asked me what my result is.and i was like,whoaahhhhhh.finallyyy.i was screaming to faqi.faqi and syahin,hanya korang berdua je tahu.shoosshhh,jangan bagi tahu orang lain tau tau.haha.tak jadi sedih dah lepas tu.terus senyum sampai telinga :)))
so i wanna say congrats to all students of mrsm tgb.we already did our best right.and finally we got no 1.yeah tgb.iloveyouuuu.mintak tugu cepat cepat.hehe.oh i wanna say thank you so so much to nadira maisarah,my number one mentor.hehe.bangga tak aku panggil kau dgn nama macam tu? all my classmates,thank you so my mentor,ena and hidayah,thank youuuuu.and to aiman hakim,congrats and thank you sebab ajar saya mcm mcm eh.hehe.
and to all my teachers,teacher raedah,puan toriah,miss molly,cikgu amin,puan norwati silu,puan siti,puan salwa,cikgu hajar,ustaz hambali,cigu sejarah and and cikgu daud thamby,thank you for teaching me a lot of things.and sorry if i let you down.
to farhan hasif,thank youu so much dear.naza,amirul fitri,thank you tooo.hehe.and and the most important thing,thank you Allah.and to ibu and ayah,thank you cause keluarkan duit yang banyak untuk wafa sepanjang wafa belajar ni.sorry wafa tak dapat keputusan yang cemerlang.sorry wafa dah kecewakan ibu and ayah.sorry wafa tak belajar betul betul.sorry wafa buat korang malu sbb dapat 7a je.takpe,wafa janji wafa belajar bersungguh sungguh lagi nanti.wafa akan tebus balik kekalahan wafa sekarang.
oh oh and again,thank you one direction for cheering me up.hehe
Alhamdulillah,i already got my spm result.i manage to get 7a's and 2B+.oh well,maybe there's no luck for me this time.When i got the slip,I was crying and i can't believe that i got B+ for physic.ohhh shosssshhh.I can't accept it.and finally after getting advice from many people,I can accept that thing.My parents didnt mad or scolded me cause i already try my best.the very best for spm.erm,tak ada rezeki namanya.but well,time u nanti ada lagi.i'm gonna struggle there.i've learnt from mistakes.I'm just too lazy during my school life.tak semestinya gagal sekarang,gagal selama lamanya kan kan.maybe Allah has a better plan for me right.
oh well,i'm freakingly superb happy cause i met my classmates yesterday.oh guys,i really miss guys are the best,the very best friend i ever had.513 awesomeeee!oh oh,and and i'm quite happy cause 'someone' finally call my name and asked me what my result is.and i was like,whoaahhhhhh.finallyyy.i was screaming to faqi.faqi and syahin,hanya korang berdua je tahu.shoosshhh,jangan bagi tahu orang lain tau tau.haha.tak jadi sedih dah lepas tu.terus senyum sampai telinga :)))
so i wanna say congrats to all students of mrsm tgb.we already did our best right.and finally we got no 1.yeah tgb.iloveyouuuu.mintak tugu cepat cepat.hehe.oh i wanna say thank you so so much to nadira maisarah,my number one mentor.hehe.bangga tak aku panggil kau dgn nama macam tu? all my classmates,thank you so my mentor,ena and hidayah,thank youuuuu.and to aiman hakim,congrats and thank you sebab ajar saya mcm mcm eh.hehe.
and to all my teachers,teacher raedah,puan toriah,miss molly,cikgu amin,puan norwati silu,puan siti,puan salwa,cikgu hajar,ustaz hambali,cigu sejarah and and cikgu daud thamby,thank you for teaching me a lot of things.and sorry if i let you down.
to farhan hasif,thank youu so much dear.naza,amirul fitri,thank you tooo.hehe.and and the most important thing,thank you Allah.and to ibu and ayah,thank you cause keluarkan duit yang banyak untuk wafa sepanjang wafa belajar ni.sorry wafa tak dapat keputusan yang cemerlang.sorry wafa dah kecewakan ibu and ayah.sorry wafa tak belajar betul betul.sorry wafa buat korang malu sbb dapat 7a je.takpe,wafa janji wafa belajar bersungguh sungguh lagi nanti.wafa akan tebus balik kekalahan wafa sekarang.
oh oh and again,thank you one direction for cheering me up.hehe
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Saturday, 17 March 2012
lately ni aku rasa mcm tak happy sangat sangat.tak tahulah kenapa.banyak masalah berlaku.dgn tu dgn ni la.dgn resultnya next week.dgn family prblm.aku tak pernah cerita dgn sape sape pun masalah aku sbb aku tak suka bercerita.semua orang fikir aku happy setiap masa.tapi sebenarnya tak pun.aku pura pura rasa gembira padahal dalam hati aku rasa sedih sangat.aku buat orang gembira.aku cuba ceriakan orang.aku rasa gembira sangat sangat bila orang lain gembira ni.aku rasa sedih sekarang ni sbb orang layan aku macam hampeh tau.ingat aku tak ada perasaan ke.fikir la perasaan aku jugak.aku bangun tiap tiap pagi mesti mata aku bengkak.nak tahu kenapa?sebab aku menangis tiap tiap malam mengenangkan nasib aku ni.erm kali ni aku cuba untuk cerita kat orang.tapi aku takut derong tak faham perasaan aku ni.aku perlukan seorang kaunselor di sisiku ni.
Friday, 9 March 2012
i just love shoes.i have a lot of seven pairs of flat shoes,one heel and two,thats a lot right.i love flat shoes cause its cute and easy to wear.but but right now,i want to buy wedges and oxford shoe.i just browse in the internet and i found smthg from Calaman.
ohhmyyyyy,seriously i want to buy this freaking gorgeous shoes.
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okay,i adore this one.urghh,i need some money ayah to buy this only cost rm80. |
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ohhh,love oxford shoe |
farhan hasif
This guy,Farhan Hasif.sombong gila nak mampos.hahahahaha.I was waiting for him to online everyday.bhahaha.Its been so long i haven't chat or text him.yela,orang kaya mcm dia layan twitter jee kann.hahaha.First time kenal budak ni when I started to wish goodluck for his spm.hehe.Rindu dia yang dulu.yang bajet peramah.hahaha.
Friday, 2 March 2012
March :)
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I miss them very very much |
Wow,it's already march.Time flies too fast.March,please be awesome to me.Like superb awesome.I hope I can get 9A+ for my SPM this year.Please pray for me people.Spm result will be out in 20 days more.*O'ohhhh*.I'm kinda freaking out right now.I just have to tawakal and pray a lot.We'd already done with our exams right.The best way is just tawakal and pray.
"Dan orang yang berjihad untuk Kami (Allah),benar benar Kami (Allah) akan tunjukkan kepada mereka jalan jalan Kami (Allah).Dan sesungguhnya Allah benar benar berserta orang muhsinin (orang yang berbuat baik )"
Surah Al-Ankabut (29:69)
Hope it can make you calm down a lil bit :).
So March is my favourite,superb duperb fave month.There's a lot of event happen this month.Like my birthday (can't wait for it ),go for holiday,result and many more.Hope many good things than bad things come to me this month.InsyaAllah.
Peace ♥
Saturday, 25 February 2012
Stay with me forever
I miss my friends a lot.I miss my darlings and my tgbian friends.Do you know how it feels to have someone who always support you,who always stand by your side,who always cheer up your mood,who always help you.I'm so grateful to have people who I can share my happiness.
Tgbian friends ♥
I have a bunch of friends there but the most amazing superb duperb friends are my classmates.Well,they're not only my friends,they're my family in TGB.Each and every one of them has a special place in my heart.I love them very much.They make my life beautiful and wonderful in different ways.I still remember those days when i will gossiping with my friends every night before going to sleep.ate a lot of food that my mum cook for me.stay up all night and study with nadira and razin.shouting,fighting,cursing,playing in FB19 until the warden scolded us during taklim.iftar with classmates.going to Mahkota Parade scolded by in F4 class during spm.Ohh,how much i miss this moments.
Sometimes,they gave me the best advice that i never get from other people.They teach me to do good things.They tell me to look things in many directions.
Friends are the one who inspires me in so many ways.Ami,one of my classmate is the genius student in tgb.She got 4 flat for so many times.Every night I will keep on saying,"How I wish I could be like her.Her parents must be proud of her".She inspire me a lot.Nad and Elia too.They are also genius person.How I wish I could be like them.
I'm not so close with my family.I mean,I didnt share anything with them.I like to share it with my friends.I usually share my stories to Nad,Razin,Elia and and Faqi.They quiet understand me.Issues like having a crush on someone,school problems,boyfriend,friendship problems and many more.I can't tell all this things to my parents.With friends around,at least they could give me a piece of advice on who did what wrong,things that our parents just don't understand.
Friends are the one who inspires me in so many ways.Ami,one of my classmate is the genius student in tgb.She got 4 flat for so many times.Every night I will keep on saying,"How I wish I could be like her.Her parents must be proud of her".She inspire me a lot.Nad and Elia too.They are also genius person.How I wish I could be like them.
I'm not so close with my family.I mean,I didnt share anything with them.I like to share it with my friends.I usually share my stories to Nad,Razin,Elia and and Faqi.They quiet understand me.Issues like having a crush on someone,school problems,boyfriend,friendship problems and many more.I can't tell all this things to my parents.With friends around,at least they could give me a piece of advice on who did what wrong,things that our parents just don't understand.
Dear friends/classmates/hroomates,
It doesn't matter if we don't really really spend time together like before.I know all of us live far away.And it's really hard to meet each other even once a month.We are far apart.I just want you guys to know that no matter what happen,we are still going to be friends till our last breath.I love you guys and I miss you guys so much.Kawan sampai mati okay.Sama sama masuk syurga eh.
I wish I could stop the time
heyhihello guyyyssss!
Im back.Okay,actually,i didn't go anywhere.its about a months away i left this blog alone.same reason.lazyy.yeah.Haha.I'm too lazy to update my blog.Sometimes i already have so many ideas what to write on this blog.And sometimes i even write till half of the page but i keep it in the draft.there's so many reasons actually why i didn't update this blog.So how's everyone doing?I hope everyone's in the pink of health.
Alhamdulillah,this year has been such amazing to me.So much things happen lately.Thankfully,the good ones are more than the bad onesAlhamdulillah,i already passed my jpj test on 10th of February 2012.yeah,still remember the date.Well,i didn't expect much to pass in this test.I thought i might failed at the 'bukit' part and the on the road since i didn't know much how to control the steering.Pfft.And my instuctor also didn't believe that i passed my test.But well,rezeki namanya ni.
I'd spent my life at home.Working as a maid since we don't have any maid right now.My dad paid me rm400 every month.I currently already got rm800 in my pocket now.I'm thinking to use the money to buy smartphone.Haha.Maybe bb or just samsung galaxy note.
So i was in a long distance relationship with my superb annoying boyfriend,aiman hakim.Hahahaha.He was in Kuala Nerang,Kedah to continue his study there.The distance is superb killing me.We haven't seen each other for 3 weeks already.Oh how i miss him so bad right now.But nevermine,we have computer,phone and everything.Last night,we skype for about 3 hours.Thanks to elia cause lend him her broadband.Terubat rindu di hati.Haha.So i'd just google and search for any tips to stay stronger eventhough we live far away and hardly to go out together.Some people might say "distance makes the heart grow fonder" .Distance shouldn't be a factor in a relationship.
Some might say that long distance relationship never going to work well.That's not true.There are a lot of things that you can do to keep your relationship strong.
Facing up to the challenge
You guys should think of it as a challenge for you.We have internet right.we can keep in touch with our boyfriend or girlfriend without spending a lot of money.You can chat in the facebook or make a video call using skype.
Whatever it is,JODOH DI TANGAN TUHAN.We have to pray a lot to keep our relationship last forever.
Friday, 27 January 2012
bawal is bacckkk
heyhihello guys,
whatsapp?sorry again.kinda lazy nowadays.firstly,i would like to wish HAPPY CNY to all my chinese friends.gong xi fa cai.hehe.since today is a holiday,ohh wait,everyday is a holiday for me.okay,since its holiday,i plan to going out and have some fun with my darls but but the plan is canceled.they all are busy with their hols.erm, the date for 7th feb guys.we gonna rock sunway lagoon and sunway pyramid.
based on the title,its true.bawal scarf is baaacccckkk should be happy cause right now,i hate wearing selendang.haha.gonna buy two tons bawal and plain bawal soon at the curve gonna buy a lot and lots of bawal scarf.
tomorrow i 'll have a driving class with en.harif.uuuuuuuuuuu,kinda scary.he is the best driving teacher plus he is the owner of metro driving kinrara.but but but he like to scold people and sometime he uses harsh words.erm,i better prepare.i have to stay strong and not crying in front of him.haha.
okay,i love my new dp.yeah,go and check it.haha.i just edit it using photoscape just now.kinda like it.
Monday, 16 January 2012
kenny rogers roaster :)
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I miss this girl alot <3 |
heyhihello guys,
well sorry for not updating this blog.still finally quit my job.resigned as a server at kenny rogers restaurant last,gosh.i cant believe there's a lot of good memoriess instead of bad memories there.and and i learnt a lot there.learnt how to communicate well with other people.learnt how to promote a thing.learnt how a to say sorry to customer if you do something wrong.learnt how to give a bill.learnt how to be a chef in krr.haha.there's a lot lot.super duper lot of things i learnt although i only work there for only one week.
so yeah,im kinda miss the staff,miss suna,sir fit,miss sharifah,kak bed,kak sira,kak alia,kak zieya,aimi,azhan,fit,amal,miera,scha,megat,abg joe,dino,yee fon,dibah,yuza,ammar and and lot more.yes,seriously,i miss them so so much.they taught me to be a wonderful krr server.yeah.haha.
i had been going to kenny rogers for several times after quit.i just miss them and i would like to see their smile.the smile that always brighten up my day.for the last two days,i had chance to get to know azhan.he's kind and caring person.he always help me buzzing the table.he always there when i get scolded by customers.he give me the chance to relax and switch the position with him.i told him that i was damn damn tired so he let me to be the hostess for a while .being a hostess was an awesome thing since we didnt move too much.we just greet the customers.aww,thanks a lot azhan.i owe you.
and and fitri,he like to cheer me up when i feel bad or when im stress a lot.he will make me happy.try to make me laugh and smile back.aww.thanks fit.and and happy 16th birthday,fit.enjoy your birthday.and kakak will give your present later.
erm i had been thinking for a while to start working as a server back at krr but but atiqah didnt let me do it.she asked me to apply a job at jusco luqman hassan also work at jusco as a sales i should give a try.maybe work for a month only.
okay,so right now i would like to wish a wonderful superb birthday to azizi rafie,fitri nizam,iffah hosni and and nur syahirah nasaruddin.have a blast guys!
Saturday, 7 January 2012
i cant stand working at kenny rogers.i finally quit tomorrow.last day was tomorrow.yeah yeah yeah.i keep on cursing people there.the managers are like super shitty.keep on scolding.the workers,the servers are super duper foooshhh shitty.talking bad about do you want from me.if you dont like me please please please,tell me.if i do something wrong,please tell me.all of you are foosssshhhy.done.
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
Working Day
yeah,im working kenny rogers roaster ioi mall,im totally exhausted right now.i was busy serving the food,taking the menu.oh,i never thought that it will be face look really pale and tired.i think im gonna work for one month.
okay,gonna go to sleep.must wake up early tomorrow.
yeah,im working kenny rogers roaster ioi mall,im totally exhausted right now.i was busy serving the food,taking the menu.oh,i never thought that it will be face look really pale and tired.i think im gonna work for one month.
okay,gonna go to sleep.must wake up early tomorrow.
Driving class :D
i had just finish my driving class just,it was awesome.yeah.first time driving babe.first,i have to seat at the back while the instructor teach hanis.then it was too panic maybe so i cant control the car.the instructor keep on scolding too stress then i just relax down for a second.and bismillah and finally GO.haha.the instructor said that im not serious in driving and always i just to shut my mouth after it.okay,thats all.i have to get ready to go to work right now.tata
i had just finish my driving class just,it was awesome.yeah.first time driving babe.first,i have to seat at the back while the instructor teach hanis.then it was too panic maybe so i cant control the car.the instructor keep on scolding too stress then i just relax down for a second.and bismillah and finally GO.haha.the instructor said that im not serious in driving and always i just to shut my mouth after it.okay,thats all.i have to get ready to go to work right now.tata
Monday, 2 January 2012
im back.i miss blogging.sorry for the past few just too lazy to write.there's a lot of think to write actually but i just saved it as a draft.pfft.this old woman too lazy -_- .i was extremely exhausted today.totally exhausted.i woke up usual.i open up my eyes at 11 o'clock in the morning.i already heard my mum shouting calling my name for several time.quickly get up cause i know she will be mad at me if she see me still lying in the bed and hugging my bantal busuk.hehe.i quickly grab my towel to take a bath.but before that,i text him first saying that im already awake.
i was shocked to find out that i was period.urgh,darn you.then,i had to undergo this pms thingy.senggugut,headache,backache.urgh,really hate it.i went downstairs to grab something to mum cooked fried mee for breakfast.i just ate a little bit since im not in the mood that time.then my mum asked me whether i already got thyphoid injection or not.ohhmyyy,i forgot about that thing.gosh.okay,maybe some of you might be wondering,why i have to get that injection right?so lets me explain.i already started working at kenny rogers ioi mall,puchong.i have to get that injection before started working there.then i quickly told my brother,faris to sent me to the nearest clinic.we went from one clinic to one clinic until puncak jalil.but all of them were close.faris scolded me cause he said that during new year,the doctor will close their clinic.then my mum asked to go to giant.there's a clinic.might be open.quickly he drove his car to giant.i went to giant alone.went to the clinic and asked wheter it has thyphoid injection and they say they do.i registered and waited for the nurse to call my name.
"nurwafa,you may come in,"the nurse said.i already felt my knees shaking.i dont want to take any injection afraid of needles.hehe.i asked the doctor whether the injection will affect anything.and the doctor said,"are you pregnant?if not,you will not getting any affection.dont worry.dont be scared".haha.then,ouch.the doctor already inject.then,quickly paid it and went to giant for a while.searching for t-shirt for work.we must buy our own t-shirt.
around1.11 i finally arrived home.quickly went stomach make some feeling hungry.i asked my mum whether she cook or not.she said that she didnt cook i just grab a bread and toasted it.went upstairs and photostat the documents for work.iron my scarf and got ready to go to work.i asked faris to sent me to ioi.pick shazana and t and went to ioi.
after arriving ioi mall,we quickly went inside since there's no much time left.bought t-shirt there and quickly changed our clothes.then we went to kenny.i called my friend and asked her to call her manager.then the manager came and this manager gave some briefing.and gosh.i felt wanna kill the manager.seriously.she scolded us in front of the said we have a wrong socks,wearing jeans,white belt.then she asked us to come back again tomorrow.actually,this manager was not the same manager i met before.she was the manager of kenny rogers puchong but the manager i met before was manager of the kenny ioi mall.
then,we decided to wait for a while and wanna talk with my frined but she's kinda busy.then,we saw a lot with him.he said he was working at jusco and asked us to work there too since a lot more vacancy available.we said maybe we try tomorrow.if the manager still scold us,we will work at jusco.working at toys department.hehe.yeah,toys babeyh.make me feel like a children.
we went to seoul garden to met syafiq,yuzwan and shakir but unfortunately they already quit from their job there.we sat down for an hour.doing nothing.thinking to work where if we dont like that kenny.around 5 o'clock,we went home.went outside.waited for the bus nearly 45 minutes.urgh,hate public transport.then arrived at bdk kinrara and quickly went to my friend's house since im too tired already.around 6 smthg,mum picked me up and went home.finally.huh.
asked mum again whether she cook or not.she said that she didnt cook today.urgh,i felt damn hungry and i need smthg to eat.weighing myself and i gained weight.ohgosshhh.i was crying there cause i gained one kilo.yeah,that was me.i was in dilemma whether to eat or not.still crying.finally grab some fruits and eat it.then went upstairs trying to watch the tv but instead the tv was watching me.i felt asleep.quickly text my sayang and he asked me to sleep since i was damn tired.cant get to sleep till now.try to text my sayang back but haplessly he already fall asleep.guess i have stay up alone.nobody gonna accompany me tonight :( .
fuhh,thats all for today.pergh,so long meh.haha.will update more soon.i have to sleep now. i have driving class tomorrow.see you soon and happy new year!
Sunday, 1 January 2012
happy new year 2012 :)
heyhihello guys.happy new year!yeah.hope thie new year will be great to me.2011 had been the best and awesome year for me.2011 has teached me so many things.have an awesome new year guys.hehe
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