Tuesday, 29 December 2009
when everyone start to copying me,i will say bad words

Monday, 28 December 2009
i wish we could have same feeling

Sunday, 27 December 2009
i believe that ur the one who will make me laugh

- friday,25th dec 09
- saturday,26th dec 09
so woke up late tday.everybody dah wake up but im still sleeping.so rushing all there n there,mandi cepat2.haha.so after that,we ate our breakfast.i ate lontong but i cant finished it cause i dont like the lontong.so terpaksa berlapar.then,went to kluang to find our relatives that so so long x jmpe.it takes nearly bout 2 hours n half.so before arrive at our relatives' house,we were all hungry and decided to eat.my dad suggest to eat nasi beryani to lengkap our makanan orang johor.haha.so,i ate 3/4 of the rice n thats really really a lot but zafirah can finish the nasi beryani by herself.wow,zaf.u ate a lot.haha.then,find ways to go to our relatives house.so skip that part.that part boring.okay,arrive at the house n salam2 semua n sat down.our relatives gave us some snack such as biscuits n keropok.so everybody berebut to eat eventhough dah makan nasi.even orang dewasa pun berebut.haha.almost 3 plates of keropok we have finish it.then,my dad ask us to pray.so my relative's son tunjuk the arah kiblat n his face look weird.he said,"tegak,senget sikit,jangan senget sangat,senget sikit jer."haha.get it?n me,zaf n ainaa started laughing out loud.nak solat pun susah.we like laugh n laugh n laugh till everybody marah cause we all asyik laughing n x solat2 lagi.haha.then,our relative gave us some food to eat before going back to kuala lumpur.they asked zaf,ainaa n me to eat first since orang lain nak solat dulu.so at first,we were like nantilah,kenyang lagi la.but after dipaksa berulang kali,we ate murtabak.i asked my cousin to take it for me since we want to share.at first,she put only a little but i suruh put lag,put lagi till tinggal separuh.haha.but we all managed to finish it okay.haha.
erm,i think thats all for now.if you guys want more story bout johor,u guys should read zaf's n nurul's blog.i've just cant remember bout balik to kl part.this is their blog:http://wearelikebombswhoticks.blogspot.com/.okay,till then guys.
Saturday, 26 December 2009
so why dont we run away
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
bring my sunshine back to me

Saturday, 19 December 2009
im home,baby
erm,skang tgh gementar tggu result this 24th dec.hrp2 dpt 8a's.erm,insyaallah.tkt sgt2 skang nie.
erm,last one nk bg tau kat u guys yg i ni x kejar glamor ok.lain kli klau nk ckp pn tgk org dlu la.ni ckp jer org mcm2.but x tau ape2 pn.fuck la u!get lost from here.klau aku kejar glamor,aku x kn jdi org yg pendiam la.aku akn byk ckp n byk menyibuk hal org n byk friends.ok.aku pn bknnye byk friends.lain kli nk ckp biar gne otak dlu bru tulis.ni tidak.
Saturday, 12 December 2009
Jakarta,im coming!
Thursday, 10 December 2009
just wait till u see this