Monday, 31 August 2009
Last Saturday,i wevt 2 meridian cuz i igtkn that day got kelas intensif,unfortunately x de..mle2 dtg igtkn org dh msk kls since i came late..anis pn dtg at the same time with me..she also late..pas2 biler nk msk tgk2,kst mcm skit..x der tuition ker today..so this bibik meridian ni told us that today no tuition..erghhh...im so mad..nsb baik my dad x pg pj lg..fuh...so,i called my dad n said that no tuition..after a few minutes,my dad came..he said that he will straight away go 2 pj instead of sending me home..so,i was like,urghh lth giler dah la mkn roti jer sahur td..so,i pn stuju..then bile dh smpi,he asked me n my brother to stay in the car..ohh,thank god..x pyh nk pnt2 jln kaki,dah la panas plk 2.so,i pn ambl pluang 2 snap some pics..hehehe,i was lucky my brother x nmpk or else msti die ckp i ngade2 la..lol.here r some pic that i took.if x nk tgk just close ur eyes,k..

Sunday, 30 August 2009
lil sis
now,my sis dah 11 month already..mcm x caye plk cuz mcm skjp jer dh bsr..right now,die dah pndi posing dpn camera..if i say 'cheese',she will smile..sometimes,agk kelakar jgk tgk gelagat dier..but,she cant walk yet..everyday,we all msti ajr die cre jln but die mcm x nk jer..anyway,she will be 1 year this 26 sept. n i will love her forever..i got some pics of her:

Tuesday, 25 August 2009
im gonna be away
hey,everyone..its been a long time i didnt updated my blog.
ohh...im feel like freaking bored right now.i wish my bestfriends could be here right now 2 share stories together.pmr is just around the corner.i think i should be ready for it.can everybody help me please.i dont want 2 take pmr..i wish time could be slower n slower.so right now,i think im gonna be away for a long time till pmr ended.i want my life,my girlfriends back n i want 2 hangout with them everyday.so,goodbye bloggers..see u soon.wish me n my friends luck in our pmr..till then.
ohh...im feel like freaking bored right now.i wish my bestfriends could be here right now 2 share stories together.pmr is just around the corner.i think i should be ready for it.can everybody help me please.i dont want 2 take pmr..i wish time could be slower n slower.so right now,i think im gonna be away for a long time till pmr ended.i want my life,my girlfriends back n i want 2 hangout with them everyday.so,goodbye bloggers..see u soon.wish me n my friends luck in our pmr..till then.
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